Читать книгу Voice To Be Heard - John Grant Burdette - Страница 2

Some Sort of Prologue 1


The inspiration for this book began with a strung out idea. One of those vague glimpses of a dream I decided to follow. Now, let me get things straight. I am not an author, and I have zero college credits, yet. I don’t have a car or a job, and I live with my parents. Seems shitty, right? But, I’ve come to realize it’s just a stage of my teenage life.

My name is Grant Burdette, and if I had some educated, intriguing way of explaining myself, I would. But that’s ‘neither here nor there’ and not why I’m putting all this on paper. I’m writing to voice myself, and part of this is your voice too.

I hope for someone just like me to read this book except I hope your version of me is a lot more naïve to life. In this book, short story, whatever the hell you wanna call it, I will tell about the eccentric life of a seventeen-year-old teenager. I’ve been through things that not even I can describe because it’s so freaking outlandish. It’s hard to know where to begin.

I believe certain events in life create experiences and ways of thinking that are intriguing for other people to understand. This is why God created us with a voice. I realize that I just threw an elephant in the room by referring to God, but that’s who I wholeheartedly believe in. I am not prejudiced, racist, or judgmental. I would not judge you if you hate, don’t believe, or just think God’s stupid. None of that necessarily bothers me, so my beliefs shouldn’t concern you either.

I’m certainly not a saint or priest and right now, but probably closer to the opposite. Faith and religion are part of this story. If you don’t like it, go get your money back. As for myself, I’ve always said, “Yeah, I’m a Christian, but not ready to fully commit to that way of life.” There is a lot of responsibility that comes along with a deep faith commitment, and unfortunately, I prove to be irresponsible from time to time.

Some might describe me as an immature asshole, and you will learn why. But, I’m far more than those two words. How do I describe myself? I am ambitious. I go after the things I want, and I earn it. I don’t enjoy things being handed to me, but that doesn’t mean I won’t always take it. I’m a very different guy. And yes, I think the words peculiar and eccentric could be used describe me in some way. Those are two bombastic words that explain me but mean something more.

I’ve always felt that everyone needs to be heard and that their voice matters. The smallest phrase uttered can have an impact on another person’s life that we might not understand. I love that fact, and in a way, I live for that opportunity. I enjoy knowing that things I say and do might impact another person’s life more than mine. That’s the only reason I’m writing this book.

My mom told me a story one night that I’ve never forgotten. There once was a girl who had been struggling with depression, lost hope, and didn’t know where to turn other than death. A random man with a passion for people saw this young lady strolling through town one day. The young girl had no idea who this man was, but he turned out to be an angel sent straight from Heaven. The man could see the girl’s troubled emotions and that she had lost her way in life as he approached her. When he spoke, he expressed kind intentions. The man spoke about love, the happiness it brings, and how God can change a life. The young lady had never heard these words before but saw true sincerity in the man’s eyes. She recovered from her depression after this conversation, just enough for her to find the energy to pursue the love that this man had. Instead of a noose that day, she chose God. This story proves the inspiration and impact of one person’s voice, and that is my goal. Anybody is capable of inspiring someone through their voice and that, to me, is one of the greatest satisfaction life has to offer.

Whoever you are reading this book, you have a purpose in life. Your purpose might be found at the most random, spontaneous time; therefore keep an open mind. If we don’t clear our minds of negative emotions or corrupt thoughts, I fear our purpose in life can be lost. When life’s purpose is lost, we find criminals, scandalous politicians, terrorists, and other scum of this world. They’re just lost people who missed out on making a difference in life. Surely these people had dreams and a purpose at some point, but it was lost due to an abundance of negative influence and lack of positive direction. Once this happens, the result is a biased and sometimes self-loathing mindset.

The purpose of this book is to change that type of mindset. I’ll admit, I might not be a “good” influence, but my heart is to steer in a positive direction. This book is written to encourage others to make a difference in this world. Maybe, just maybe, my experiences and optimism will help you break through if you are stuck in the undertow of life.

Before I start spilling out my journey, you should know a few things. I’m a straight shooter. I don’t sugar coat shit and have lied only to benefit myself. All humans have done it, so deal with it. I regret a lot of my actions in the past for which I am not proud. I have hurt people I care about and made loved ones cry. I’ve been so high I’ve sat on the moon and so low I could feel hell pulling me down. Basically, what I’m trying to say is that I can relate to many situations except poverty.

I come from a family of some means with parents who love me. I hate the fact that I’ve taken them for granted, but that’s naturally correcting itself. I’m way too rebellious and might be the most impulsive person you’ll ever meet. For me, thinking about things is a waste of time because thinking slows you down. Sure, thinking before you act is beneficial, but regardless, you will learn from impulsive actions even when you don’t stop to think. One day you’ll say, “Damn, I’m glad I did that then and not now.” Plus, life’s too short to go slow anyway; trust me on that one.

Trust is a topic I touch on a lot in this book. Trusting others has been one of my hardest and most difficult challenges; therefore I have a lot to say about it. I’ve been around different American lifestyles and have seen how they are judged. But I try to accept everyone for who they are. My mind has been opened through substances, people, and places. To me, experiencing as many adventures as possible is the best way to gain knowledge, so go do that for yourself. When I was twelve or thirteen years old, a book like this would’ve changed my life. You might not learn one thing from this book, but I can guarantee you it will create new thoughts and opinions. When you develop an opinion, you are openly thinking, and that’s my intent. Hopefully, this book can help you view things from a different perspective. Sometimes, if we see things in a new way, it opens up added realizations that help us grow. We all need help in our journey in life; a benefit that makes people a little wiser and a little less egotistical.

Voice To Be Heard

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