Читать книгу Famous Men of the Middle Ages - John H. Haaren - Страница 4


Table of Contents

The Gods of the Teutons

The Nibelungs

Alaric the Visigoth King from 394-410 A.D.

Attila the Hun King from 434-453 A.D.

Genseric the Vandal King from 427-477 A.D.

Theodoric the Ostrogoth King from 475-526 A.D.

Clovis King from 481-511 A.D.

Justinian the Great Emperor from 527-565 A.D.

Mohammed Lived from 570-632 A.D.

Charles Martel, 714-741 A.D. and Pepin, 741-768 A.D.

Charlemagne King from 768-814 A.D.

Harun-Al-Rashid Caliph from 786-809 A.D.

Egbert King from 802-837 A.D.

Rollo the Viking Died 931 A.D.

Alfred the Great King from 871-901 A.D.

Henry the Fowler King from 919-936 A.D.

Canute the Great King from 1014-1035

The Cid

Edward the Confessor King from 1042-1066

William the Conqueror King from 1066-1087

Peter the Hermit about 1050-1115

Frederick Barbarossa Emperor from 1152-1190

Henry the Second 1154-1189 and His Sons 1189-1216

Louis the Ninth King from 1226-1270

Robert Bruce King from 1306-1329

Marco Polo Lived from 1254-1324

Edward the Black Prince Lived from 1330-1376

William Tell and Arnold Von Winkelried

Tamerlane Lived from 1333-1405

Henry V King from 1413-1422

Joan of Arc Lived from 1412-1431

Gutenberg Lived from 1400-1468

Warwick the Kingmaker Lived from 1428-1471

Famous Men of the Middle Ages

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