Читать книгу Introduction to the Study of Palæontological Botany - John Hutton Balfour - Страница 4



Table of Contents

Fig. Page
1. Section of Peuce Withami, Lindley and Hutton 3
2. Bark of Araucaria 5
3. Markings on Araucaria bark 6
4. "" 7
5. "" 7
6. Leaf of Araucaria 7
7. Nicolia Owenii (Carr.) 11
8. Bryson's instrument for slitting Fossils 14
9. Tree-fern 27
10. Asplenium 28
11 a. Bifurcating Trunk of a Tree-fern (Alsophila Perrottetiana) 29
11 b. Rhizome of Lastrea Filix-mas 29
12. Transverse section of stem of a Tree-fern (Cyathea) 29
13. Scalariform vessels from Tree-fern 30
14. Sporangia of a Fern 30
15. Lycopodium clavatum 30
16. Spore-case, containing Microspores of Lycopodium 30
17. ""Macrospores of Selaginella 30
18. Fructification of Equisetum maximum 31
19. Polygonal scale of Equisetum 32
20. Spore of Equisetum—filaments contracted 32
21. """expanded 32
22. Marsilea Fabri 33
22 bis. Adiantites Lindseæformis 41
23. Pecopteris (Alethopteris) aquiline 43
24. "(Alethopteris) heterophylla 43
25. Neuropteris Loshii 43
26. "gigantean 43
27. "acuminate 43
28. Sphenopteris affinis 43
29. Cyclopteris dilatata 43
30. Stem of Caulopteris macrodiscus 44
31. ""Balfouri (Carr.) 44
32. ""Morrisi (Carr.) 44
33. "Sigillaria pachyderma 45
34. Sigillaria reniformis 45
35. "pachyderma 46
36. "(Favularia) tessellate 46
37. "pachyderma 46
38. Stigmaria ficoides 47
39. ""(S. anabathra of Corda) 47
40. Bifurcating stem of Lepidodendron obovatum (elegans) 49
41. Stem of Lepidodendron crenatum 49
42. Fructification of Lepidodendron 50
43. Longitudinal section of Fructification of Triplosporites 50
44. (1). Fruit of Selaginella spinulosa, A. Braun (Lycopodium selaginoides, Linn.) 51
(2). Scale and sporangium from the upper part of cone 51
(3). Antheridian microspores from ditto 51
(4). Macrospore 51
(5). Scale and sporangium from lower part of cone, containing macrospores 51
(6). Fruit of Lepidostrobus ornatus (Hooker) 51
(7). Three scales and sporangia of ditto 51
(8). Microspores from sporangia of the upper part of the cone of Triplosporites Brownii, Brongn. 51
(9). Macrospore from the sporangia of the lower part 51
(10). Scales and sporangia of a cone of Flemingites 51
45 a. Calamites Suckovii 57
45 b. Septum or Phragma of a Calamite 57
46. Vertical stems of Calamites—in coal-measures of Treuil, near St. Etienne 58
47. Fruits of Equisetum and Calamites 60
(1). Equisetum arvense, L. 60
(2). Portion of sporangium wall 60
(3, 4). Spores—elaters free 60
(5). Longitudinal section of part of one side of cone 60
(6). Transverse section of cone 60
(7). Calamites (Volkmannia) Binneyi (Carr.) 60
(8). Portion of sporangium wall 60
(9). Two spores 60
(10). Longitudinal section of part of one side of cone 60
(11). Transverse section of cone 60
48. Foliage and fruits of Calamites 62
(1, 2). Asterophyllites 62
(3, 4). Annularia 62
(5, 6). Sphenophyllum 62
49. Araucarioxylon Withami, Krauss (Pinites Withami) 63
50. Trigonocarpum olivæforme 63
51. Cardiocarpum Lindleyi (Carr.) 65
52. "" 65
53. Cardiocarpum anomalum (Carr.) 66
54. Pothocites Grantoni (Paterson) 67
55, 56. Walchia piniformis (Sternb.) 72
57. Pinus sylvestris 73
58. Abies excelsa 73
59. Larix Europæa 73
60. Cedrus Libani 73
61. Araucaria excelsa 74
62. Woody tubes of fir—single rows of discs 74
63. "" —double and opposite rows of discs 74
64. Woody tubes of Araucaria excelsa—double and triple and alternate rows of discs 74
65. Longitudinal section of stem of a Gymnosperm 74
66. Linear leaves of Pinus Strobus 75
67. Cone of Pinus sylvestris 75
68. "Cupressus sempervirens 75
69. Scale of mature cone of Pinus sylvestris 75
70. Fruiting branch of Juniperus communis 76
71. Branch of Taxus baccata 76
72. Male flower of Yew 76
73. Fruit of Yew 76
74. Cycas revoluta 77
75. Encephalartos (Zamia) pungens 77
76. Schizoneura heterophylla 78
77. Zamites 79
78. Pterophyllum Pleiningerii 80
79. Nilssonia compta (Pterophyllum comptum of Lindley and Hutton) 80
80. Palæozamia pectinata (Zamia pectinata of Brongniart, and Lindley and Hutton) 80
81. Brachyphyllum mammillare 81
82. Equisetum columnare 81
83. Araucarites sphærocarpus (Carr.) 82
84. Termination of a scale of ditto 82
85. Section of a scale of ditto 82
86. The Dirt-bed of the island of Portland 83
87. Cycadoidea megalophylla (Mantellia nidiformis of Brongniart) 83
88. Kaidacarpum ooliticum (Carr.) 84
89. Pandanus odoratissimus 84
90. Fossil wood, Abietites Linkii 85
91. Sequoiites ovalis 88
92. Pinites ovatus (Zamia ovata of Lindley and Hutton) 89
93. Palmacites Lamanonis 90
95. Comptonia acutiloba 92
96. Acer trilobatum 93
97. Ulmus Bronnii 93
98. Rhamnus Aizoon 94
99. Alnus gracilis 95
100. Taxites or Taxodites Campbellii 95
101. Rhamnites multinervatus 95
102. Equisetum Campbellii 96

Introduction to the Study of Palæontological Botany

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