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If the bard in the Odyssey is a clue,

Homer himself was blind

but saw so clearly the Achaean ships,

the spears apparently slow in gutting a man,

the effete Trojans at their tower,

that we see them through his absent eyes.

Tiresias too, perhaps more than a fiction,

saw more than the sighted,

the running sore hidden at the heart

of Thebes, the parricide, the incest

to which others were blind until

the blindest of them all tore out his eyes

so he would see no more his offenses,

and then finally saw most truly of all.

Milton certainly, Paul as well.

And so we close our eyes to kiss,

and when we savor some delicious food,

and when we sleep to dream, perhaps of You,

and when we speak to You in darkness,

hands shielding our eyes, blinded for minutes,

hoping to catch a glimpse of You.

The Invisible God

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