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Time Line

of Nicaraguan Events

1912–37 U.S. Marines intermittently occupy Nicaragua.

1934 Augusto César Sandino assassinated.

1936 Anastasio Somoza “Tacho” García takes control of the country with complicity of U.S. Marines

1937-56 Somoza elected president in 1937, serving effectively as dictator until his death in 1956. His sons, Luis Somoza Debayle and Anastasio Somoza “Tachito” Debayle, follow him as presidents/dictators.

1961 National Liberation Front is founded at the University of León by Carlo Fonseca, Silvio Mayorga, and Tomás Borge.

1962 National Liberation Front name is changed to Frente Sandinista Liberación (FSLN).

1967 January 22: A coup is attempted in Managua.

April 13: Luis Somoza dies of a heart attack.

August 27: Silvio Mayorga is assassinated in Matagalpa.

1968 October 23: Volcano Cerro Negro begins erupting near León.

1972 December 23: Managua is destroyed by an earthquake.

1973 President Anastasio Somoza embezzles money from relief funds provided by the United States. It is later revealed that he controls 40 percent of the economy.

1974 U.S. Marines are again sent to support Somoza’s regime.

November 8: Carlos Fonseca dies in combat in the mountains.

1978 April 30: Pedro Joaquín Chamorro, editor of La Prensa, is assassinated.

1979 FSLN intensifies the uprising against Somoza.

July 17: Anastasio Somoza flees Nicaragua.

July 19: Commandante Cero (Edén Pastora) leads FSLN troops into Managua, and the city falls to the Sandinistas.

1980 March 24: Archbishop Oscar Romero is assassinated in El Savador.

September 17: Anastasio Somoza is assassinated in Paraguay.

1981 Ronald Reagan is inaugurated President of U.S.A.

1982 Boland Amendment in U.S. Congress prohibits U.S. funds to be used for overthrow of Nicaraguan government.

1983 “Iran Contra Affair”: U. S. funds go to Nicaraguan opposition fighters via sale of ballistic missiles to Iran with payments diverted to Nicaraguan Contras. Civil war in Nicaragua is estimated to have killed 60,000 people at a cost of 178 billion dollars.

1984 Daniel Ortega (FSLN candidate) is elected President of Nicaragua. Ronald Reagan imposes an embargo on Nicaragua.

1985 “Iran Contra Affair” is exposed publicly.

1986 Daniel Ortega goes to Soviet Union seeking funds.

1987 Hurricane Hugo devastates Nicaragua.

1990 Violeta Chamorro, widow of Pedro Joaquín Chamorro, is elected President of Nicaragua.

1991 Coalition government (National Opposition Union) cuts social programs (health, education, etc.) and land reform.

1997 Armando Alemán is elected Presidents of Nicaragua representing the Constitutionalist Nationalist Party.

2007 Daniel Ortega is again elected President. Sandinistas control government once more.

2012 April 30: Tomás Borge, last surviving founder of FSLN, dies.

Nicaraguan Gringa

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