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Final Word


Research can exist outside of our knowledge of ontology and epistemology. Don't fret too much over these complex ideas. As you might end up debating whether it is positivist or relativist to decide how to count the number of angels you can get on a pinhead …

TABLE 1.1 Ontology, epistemology. Theoretical perspective, methodology, and methods.

Source: Adapted from Patel (2015).

Research Paradigm Ontology Epistemology Theoretical Perspective Methodology Methods
Positivist There is a single reality Reality can be measured using the best scientific methods Positivism Quantitative methods – experimental and observational hypothetico‐deductive Sampling, measuring Numbers and statistics
Interpretivist No single reality. Reality depends on the researcher's location in time and society Everything is subject to interpretation. We need to discover how people experience their worlds Interpretivism Qualitative methods: phenomenology ethnography grounded theory Etc. Hypothetico‐inductive Participant observation Interviews Focus groups Etc.
Pragmatism Reality is constantly being re‐negotiated and interpreted You can choose the best method for solving the problem Pragmatism Mixed methods Any methods which will answer the question

For further reading, if you have the mental stamina to be confused further, you might look at: Devaux and Lamanna (2009), Griswold (2001), Heidegger (1971), Sturm (2011), Descartes (1985), and Haack (1993).

Demystifying Research for Medical and Healthcare Students

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