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Within two days of joining Morgan's command, John M. Porter saw combat in the Battle of Cynthiana, one of the most vicious engagements of the war for the size of the opposing forces involved. At Cynthiana, the Kentucky Central Railroad, connecting Covington, Kentucky, and Lexington, crossed the South Fork of the Licking River. Large amounts of government stores, rolling stock, and railroad equipment were kept therefor use by Federal occupation troops, including the sizable force in Lexington.

Morgan's men were in the saddle early on July 17, 1862, riding on the road between Georgetown and Cynthiana. The Georgetown Road entered Cynthiana by means of a 320-foot covered bridge over the Licking River. Federal troops, mostly Home Guards from the area and detachments from the Eighteenth Kentucky Infantry (U.S.A.) and Seventh Kentucky Cavalry (U.S.A.) regiments, filled the buildings in Cynthiana on either side of the covered bridge and manned barricades in the streets. They were supported by a twelve-pound brass howitzer manned by members of a Cincinnati, Ohio, police detachment, set up in the Harrison County Courthouse lot.

Dismounting his troopers, Morgan positioned elements of the Second Kentucky Cavalry (C.S.A.) on either side of the bridge, while Major Richard M. Gano’s command crossed the river and struck Cynthiana from the high ground to the east and Major F. M. Nix's command crossed the river and attacked the town's defenders from the west and north. Finally, Porter's own Company C of the Second Kentucky stormed through the covered bridge on horseback. Soon, all of the Kentuckians were across the river, driving the Federal defenders to the railroad depot. It was a bloody fray.

The town was seized, along with hundreds of Federal soldiers. Morgan burned all of the government stores he didn't confiscate, destroyed the Kentucky Central Railroad bridge over the Licking River, ripped up track, and destroyed rolling stock. His men were soon back in the saddle, heading toward Tennessee after one of the most successful raids of Morgan's career.

We found many of our old comrades when we reached the command at Georgetown, and right glad were we to shake hands again with them after a separation of about two months. Our company, or that to which we were to unite and to which nearly all of the old “Guides” belonged, was off on a scout at the time we overtook the command, and for this reason, we “fell in” with Company C, commanded by Captain James W. Bowles, afterwards Colonel Bowles. Company D, commanded by Captain John B. Castleman, would be our company thereafter.1

The command moved on in due time towards Cynthiana in Harrison County, which was, at the time, garrisoned with a force of Federals commanded by Lieutenant Colonel John J. Landrum, I believe. About two o'clock in the afternoon the advance reached the vicinity of the town and encountered the Yankee pickets, who were quickly driven in. An immediate advance was ordered, and, at once, the entire force of Colonel Morgan moved towards the town, which is situated on the north side of Licking River. A portion of the force was sent to the right of the road we were on, with directions to cross the railroad bridge over the river and enter the town from that direction. Another force, with like directions, was sent to the left of the road, each of which were compelled to pass across the river. The bridge was covered. Up and down the river were houses and a street with business houses that ran parallel with the river and at right angles with the bridge. A large brick building stood directly in front of the mouth of the bridge, not more than twenty feet from the bridge. In order to reach the Kentucky Central Railroad depot, it was necessary, after the bridge was crossed, to turn to left and go twenty or thirty yards and then turn right down a street which led directly past the depot.2

The covered bridge over the South Fork of the Licking River at Cynthiana, Kentucky, as it would have looked in 1862. The bridge stood until 1946. (J. Winston Coleman, Jr. Photographic Collection, Transylvania University Library.)

Our company, having approached to within about three hundred yards of the bridge, was ordered to halt for a moment. By this time, the two parties on the right and left were hotly engaged. We were ordered to charge the depot from which a terrific fire was issuing, and, at the command, the company dashed forward and crossed the bridge. In doing so, we found ourselves jammed up against the brick house I have spoken of above, which up to that time had not been discovered. No one knew which way to go in order to reach the depot. We knew the direction, but where was the street which led to it?3

Woodcut of the Battle of Cynthiana, Kentucky, July 17, 1862, showing the attack of Company C, Second Kentucky Cavalry, through the covered bridge over the South Fork of the Licking River. (J. Winston Coleman, Jr. Photographic Collection, Transylvania University Library.)

In the momentary confusion which ensued, Colonel George St. Leger Grenfell came galloping up, having crossed the river at another point, and directed Captain Bowles how to reach the depot street. The charge was again ordered and the company, surrounded on all sides by the enemy in houses, charged on horseback toward the depot, which was filled with Yankee infantry. The enfilading fire was very severe and the single company of Captain Bowles lost heavily in the charge.4

The firing from the depot was checked somewhat by our reckless charge, and, as it was impossible for horsemen to ride into the building, we continued our ride entirely through the town, subject all the time to a severe fire from every side of us. After getting through the town, we dismounted and returned in line on foot, and the other two parties, having by this time advanced on two sides—we coming up from the opposite side—the three parties closed around, and, after a severe fight for some time, the Yankees surrendered, except a few who made their escape early in the action.5

One of Morgan's Men

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