Читать книгу Aphrodisiacs and Anti-aphrodisiacs - John Marriott Davenport - Страница 5


NCIENT Phallic Worship: Phallic Worship the most ancient and general Phallic Worship found to exist in America Indian Trimourti or Trinity 1–2 2 3
Lingham 3
Yoni or Cteis, and Pulleiar 4
Taly, Anectode of the 4
Leaden Phalli found in the river Rhône 5
Round Towers in Ireland—Phallic temples 6
The May-Pole a relic of phallic worship 6
Phallus held in reverence by the Jews—King David 6
Le prerogativi de' Testicoli (note) 6
An Egyptian Phallic Oath 8
Ancient Welsh Phallic Law 8
London Costermongers' Oath "By my taters" 9
Bembo (Cardinal), his saying (note) 10
Priapus, derivation of the word 10
Priapus, how reverenced by Roman women 10
Priapus, decline of his worship 11
The Cross () known to the Buddhists and the Lama of Thibet 12
Cross (the) regarded by the Ancients as the emblem of fruitfulness 12
Rev. Mr. Maurice quoted 12
x The Tau, Crux-Ansata, or triple Phallus 14
Remains of Phallic Worship in Europe 14
Lampsacus, the Birth-place of the deity Priapus (note) 14
Saint Foutin 14
The Phallus of Foutin at Embrun—the holy vinegar 16
Curious Phallic Customs 16–17
Godfrey de Bouillon and the Holy prepuce 18
Il santo-membro 18
Sir W. Hamilton's account of the Worship paid to Saints Cosmo and Damianus 18
Ex votos 18
Aphrodisiacs and Anti-aphrodisiacs

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