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1732Washington born February 22, Westmoreland County, Virginia
1743Father, Augustine Washington, dies
1752District adjutant general of Virginia militia, Major; inherits Mount Vernon
1753Envoy from Governor of Virginia to French army on the Ohio
1754Victorious commander in first battle of French and Indian War, Colonel
1755Volunteer aide to British General Braddock; appointed Commander in Chief of Virginia militia, Colonel
1758–74Elected to Virginia House of Burgesses
1759Marries Mrs. Martha Dandridge Custis, widow of John Custis (by whom she is mother of two children)
1774–75Elected to First and Second Continental Congresses
1775–83General and Commander in Chief of the Army of the United Colonies; field commander mostly in middle colonies
1775–76Commands in victory at Boston
1776Fortifies New York city, loses battle of Long Island, evacuates New York, eventually retreats to New Jersey and across Delaware River to Pennsylvania; recrosses for victory at Trenton
1777Commander in victory at Princeton; retreats after battles of Brandywine, Germantown; winter at Valley Forge
1778Commander in victory at Monmouth; winter at Middlebrook
1779–80British shift war to the south; Washington plans with French allies, skirmishes with British in middle colonies
1781Abandons plan against New York, conceives and commands victorious Yorktown campaign
1783Resigns commission to Congress, retires to Mount Vernon
1784–86Hosts interstate conference on Potomac navigation, promotes further conferences on trade, taxes
1787Elected President of Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia
1789–97First President of the United States
1789Unanimous vote by electoral college; Inauguration; appoints cabinet; tours New England (except Rhode Island)
1790Policies as to defense, finance, and foreign affairs; visits Rhode Island
1791Plans Washington, D.C., with L’Enfant; tours southern states
1792First of two vetoes (apportionment of House); unanimous choice of electoral college for President
1793Second Inauguration; Neutrality Proclamation; requests recall of French ambassador Genêt; Jefferson resigns as Secretary of State to lead opposition party
1794Appoints John Jay special ambassador to Britain; suppresses Whiskey Rebellion; Hamilton resigns as Secretary of the Treasury
1795Submits Jay Treaty to Senate for ratification
1796Rejects House request for Jay Treaty documents; refuses third term, issues Farewell Address
1797Attends Inauguration of President Adams; retires to Mount Vernon
1798At Adams’s insistence, appointed Lieutenant General and Commander in Chief as war threatens with France
1799Dies of severe cold, December 14; buried in family vault at Mount Vernon, December 18
1802Martha Washington dies and is buried in family vault at Mount Vernon
The Life of George Washington

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