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THE Cause of this Symptom proceeds from the worse Sort and more ignoble Part of the Blood; which, in concert with the Humours, perverts the Temperature of the Stomach, by flowing towards its Orifice: And This, upon emitting Vapours to the same, strongly impresseth such vicious Qualities upon it, as doth occasion sometimes a Loathing of All Meats, and sometimes only an Aversion to some certain particular Dishes of Meat.

WHICH last Case happens most commonly, and especially at the Time of New and Full-Moon. Now this Loathing may be thus distinguished: To wit; if it rises from bilous or cholerick Humours, the Woman feels a gnawing or biting of the Ventricle, and is afflicted with a frequent great Thirst: If from putrid Humours, she is (at several Times) feverishly inclined: And if from moderate gross Humours, the only Sign is a frequent Spitting.

THIS Symptom ceases (of itself) in due Progress of Time: For as the Foetus (which as yet is only sustain’d by the better and nobler Part of the Blood) grows bigger, it requires the larger Quantity, and at last the Whole of the Menstruous Blood for its Sustenance; at which Time also the accumulated Humours likewise are lodg’d in their proper Place: Both which Causes being thus remov’d, the Effect ceases of course by degrees. However it is prudent, to prevent this Evil, from the beginning of Conception, by proper Medicines; but otherways (whenever it happens) unless the Foetus be endanger’d for want of sufficient Aliment, Time and Patience are the fitted Remedies.

The Female Physician

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