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With Elisabeth at the heart of my efforts, there are many who should be acknowledged for their contribution to this work. The people of Central Africa, the Land of Eternal Spring, have left an indelible imprint on my life—a mosaic built layer by layer during the five years we lived and worked in this beautiful and troubled piece of a beautiful and troubled world. The farmer, the fisher, the shopkeeper, the barman, the taxi driver, the student, the teacher, the priest, and so many others lived, and often shared their lives with me in ways that were at once unique to the Afromontane Region and common to global civilization. Through them and their generosity, I have learned so much and can only hope that my presence may have, in some small way, made a tiny down payment on all the knowledge and hoped-for wisdom I have gained. I would also like to offer special thanks to Marie for her help with this text—she so unselfishly offered assistance and ended up providing much more in terms of guidance and a common sense approach to the challenges of getting words down on paper. My thanks are also extended to Nancy who worked hard to polish an imperfect product.

Closer to God

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