Читать книгу The Fight for the Soul of the Democratic Party - John Nichols - Страница 6



Preface: Why We Concern Ourselves with the History of Political Parties

1. The Prophetic Politics of Henry Wallace

How FDR’s Vice President Anticipated the Dangerous Times That Have Engulfed America

2. Hope in a Time of War

Four Freedoms, One World and the Dream of Overcoming Our Imperialisms

3. “You Drew Blood from the Cave Dwellers”

Wrestling with Demagoguery and the Wealthy Men Who Finance Authoritarianism

4. The Fight against American Fascism

Henry Wallace and the Consequences of Speaking Truth to Power

5. July 20, 1944, 10:55 P.M.

When Democrats Began to Abandon the New Deal

6. Into the Wilderness

Birth of the Not-as-Bad-as-the-Republicans Democratic Party

7. The Great Unwinding

Hypocrisy and Double Talk on Race, Cold War Compromises and the Degeneration of the Democratic Party

8. The Party That Lost Its Way

But for the Vietnam War, the Dream of a New New Deal Might Have Been Renewed

9. “I Want Us to Be that Party Again!”

How the Democratic Party Might Recover Its Soul in the Twenty-First Century


A Note on Sources


The Fight for the Soul of the Democratic Party

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