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Using machine learning in health care


An issue that is receiving a lot of attention is the matter of elder care. People are living longer, and a nursing home doesn’t seem like a good way to spend one’s twilight years. Robots will make it possible for people to remain at home yet also remain safe. Some countries are also facing a critical shortage of health care workers, and Japan is one. As a result, the country is spending considerable resources to solve the problems that robotics present. (Read the story at https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200205-what-the-world-can-learn-from-japans-robots for details.)

The closest that technology currently comes to the vision presented by an in-home nurse robot is the telepresence robot, which is also found in hospitals (see https://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/medical-robots/telepresence-robots-are-helping-take-pressure-off-hospital-staff for details). In this case, the robot is an extension of a human doctor or nurse, so it’s not even close to what the Japanese hope to create in the future.

Machine Learning For Dummies

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