Читать книгу Algorithms For Dummies - John Paul Mueller, John Mueller Paul, Luca Massaron - Страница 4
List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 2FIGURE 2-1: Complexity of an algorithm in case of best, average, and worst inpu...
2 Chapter 3FIGURE 3-1: Using Colab commands makes configuring your Notebook easy.FIGURE 3-2: The Settings dialog box helps you configure the Colab IDE.FIGURE 3-3: Customize shortcut keys for speed of access to commands.FIGURE 3-4: Colab lets you compare two files to see how they differ.FIGURE 3-5: Create a new Python 3 Notebook.FIGURE 3-6: Use this dialog box to open existing notebooks.FIGURE 3-7: When using GitHub, you must provide the location of the source code...FIGURE 3-8: Using GitHub means storing your data in a repository.FIGURE 3-9: Colab code cells contain a few extras not found in Notebook.FIGURE 3-10: Use the GUI to make formatting your text easier.
3 Chapter 4FIGURE 4-1: In the recursion process, a function continuously calls itself unti...
4 Chapter 6FIGURE 6-1: A tree in Python looks much like the physical alternative.FIGURE 6-2: Graph nodes can connect to each other in myriad ways.
5 Chapter 7FIGURE 7-1: The arrangement of keys when using a BST.FIGURE 7-2: The arrangement of keys when using a binary heap.
6 Chapter 8FIGURE 8-1: Presenting a simple undirected graph.FIGURE 8-2: Creating the directed version of the same graph.FIGURE 8-3: A mixed graph shows a mix of directed and undirected subgraphs.FIGURE 8-4: Using a weighted graph to make things more realistic.FIGURE 8-5: Seeing what a graph contains makes it easier to understand.FIGURE 8-6: Plotting the graph can help you see degree centrality with greater ...
7 Chapter 9FIGURE 9-1: Representing the example graph by NetworkX.FIGURE 9-2: The example graph becomes weighted.FIGURE 9-3: The example graph becomes weighted and directed.FIGURE 9-4: Negative edges are added to the example graph.FIGURE 9-5: A negative cycle in a graph can create problems for some algorithms...
8 Chapter 10FIGURE 10-1: A graph showing the network clusters of relationships among friend...FIGURE 10-2: Communities often contain cliques that can prove useful for SNA.FIGURE 10-3: A sample graph used for navigation purposes.
9 Chapter 11FIGURE 11-1: A strongly connected network.FIGURE 11-2: A network with a dead end in node 2.FIGURE 11-3: A network with a spider trap in nodes 4, 5, and 6.
10 Chapter 12FIGURE 12-1: Stuffing more and more transistors into a CPU.FIGURE 12-2: How sampling from a bucket works.FIGURE 12-3: An example of windowing a stream of DNA data.FIGURE 12-4: Adding a single element to a bit vector.FIGURE 12-5: Adding a second element can cause collisions.FIGURE 12-6: Locating an element and determining that it exists means searching...FIGURE 12-7: Testing membership of a website using a Bloom filter.FIGURE 12-8: Counting only leading zeros.FIGURE 12-9: How values are updated in a Count-Min Sketch.
11 Chapter 13FIGURE 13-1: Associative and commutative properties allow parallelism.FIGURE 13-2: A schema representing a computing cluster.FIGURE 13-3: Mapping a list of numbers by a square function.FIGURE 13-4: Reducing a list of numbers to its sum.FIGURE 13-5: An overview of the complete MapReduce computation.
12 Chapter 14FIGURE 14-1: A Huffman tree and its symbolic table of conversion.
13 Chapter 15FIGURE 15-1: The sets of P, NP, NP-complete and NP-hard problems.FIGURE 15-2: From a balanced tree (left) to an unbalanced tree (right).
14 Chapter 16FIGURE 16-1: Cities represented as nodes in a weighted graph.FIGURE 16-2: Transforming Saturday into Sunday.FIGURE 16-3: Highlighting what transformations are applied.
15 Chapter 17FIGURE 17-1: A histogram of a normal distribution.FIGURE 17-2: A histogram of a uniform distribution.FIGURE 17-3: Displaying the results of a Monte Carlo simulation.FIGURE 17-4: Displaying the results of a Monte Carlo simulation on quick select...FIGURE 17-5: Displaying Monte Carlo simulations as input grows.
16 Chapter 18FIGURE 18-1: Switching ending trips in a TSP problem may bring better results.FIGURE 18-2: Local search explores the landscape by hill climbing.FIGURE 18-3: An 8-queen puzzle solved.FIGURE 18-4: Symbols and truth tables of logic operators
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.FIGURE 18-5: The number of unsatisfiable clauses decreases after random adjustm...FIGURE 18-6: Execution is speedier because the starting point is better.17 Chapter 19FIGURE 19-1: Looking where the objective function is going to touch the feasibl...FIGURE 19-2: Wondering which vertex is the right one.
18 Chapter 20FIGURE 20-1: A and B are points on a map’s coordinates.FIGURE 20-2: A maze representing a topological map with obstacles.FIGURE 20-3: An intricate maze to be solved by heuristics.