Читать книгу The New World Oligarchy: Destroying the United States Through Globalization - John R. Krismer - Страница 5
ОглавлениеActual Events and Fiction
At the beginning of the last century, a powerful group of International Bankers decided that if they could ban together as a tightly knit Oligarchy, they could command the enormous wealth, power and status the United States had acquired through its working class. But to achieve this, they had to clandestinely establish a New World Order (NWO) as their front, so these proponents of a socialistic society could furtively maneuver and eventually control this nation’s open market by deregulating and decentralizing our once world renowned infrastructure. They’d already found it to be a simple matter to control the world’s industrialists’ and this country’s politicians through their trickle down bank loans and under the table gifts and benefits. But what’s so frightening about all this is, We the People, the Myopic Herd as they refer to us, seemed entirely unaware of this powerful Oligarchy’s existence - even though we frequently proclaimed we’d never live under the rule of an Empire; a Monarchy; or a Kingdom. In fact, it seemed as if only a few Americans still remembered that more than two hundred years ago we all escaped to this country from a similar Kleptocratic Aristocracy that also suppressed the working class to increase their affluence and power. Nor do we even seem concerned that we inadvertently allowed this country’s Federal Reserve to become privately owned by this same group of powerful multinational bankers, who are currently not even subject to oversight by either our Congress or our President. Worse yet, when this Federal Reserve Act was unlawfully approved by Congress, as a result of the 1907 Bank Panic - and later regretfully signed by President Wilson - few realized that this closely knit clique was seeking to enslave not only the United States but eventually the entire world market. And if we take a moment to identify who this International Oligarchy really is, we will readily recognize the powerful Rothschild of London and Berlin; the Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Seiff of Italy; the Kuhn and Loeb Company of Germany; the Warburg’s of Hamburg and Amsterdam; and the Rockefellers, Lehman Brothers, and Goldman Sachs of New York - all currently maintaining controlling ownership of this nation’s Federal Reserve under the cloak of the 1907 Bank Panic. And perhaps few of us even recall that this takeover was skillfully coordinated under the leadership of Senator Nelson Aldrich, the father in-law of John D. Rockefeller Jr., who persuaded Congress to appoint a National Monetary Commission, composed of J.P. Morgan, Paul Warburg, Otto Kahn, Jacob Schiff and the then infamous monopolist John D. Rockefeller himself - all playing a major role in creating this country’s privately owned Federal Reserve System, which was in direct conflict with our Constitution. And isn’t it ridiculous that at the same time this was all happening, the Supreme Court declared John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil an illegal monopoly over this country’s natural oil resource. And now, as a result of all these concessions, this Oligarchy currently makes its own policies and buys or sells our government securities whenever they wish to make a profit. This same Aldrich Commission also illegally promoted our first income tax in the year 1913, to secure their interest on the multinational bank notes they extended to our government - notes which today earn this Oligarchy almost two billion dollars a day in interest from our tax payers. And since they now control almost all of the international industrialists, as well as our politicians, they are now able to create depressions or open new markets whenever they desire. In fact, by hiding behind their fallacious NWO slogan of “World Trade through World Peace,” this NWO has blamelessly maneuvered the U.S. into some nineteen unwarranted conflicts including: World War I, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, Somalia, Haiti, Croatia, Bosnia, Chechnya, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Sudan, East Timor, and Afghanistan and Iraq, which have served them well in their money making interventions and war provocations that have gained financial control over so many other nations and their natural resources. And now, with all their multinational banks loaning out today’s valueless fiat money, which they can create from nothing; and our income tax providing a means to repay the inflated debt and their huge interest earnings, these Invisible Money Baron’s have actually forced us to accept their deceitful Trickle-down Philosophy. And although very little ever trickles down from this Inter-national Oligarchy, it doesn’t stop there - since we’ve even allowed them to lower the tax on their earnings in this country, by allowing their tax exempt foundations to serve as repositories for their divested interest, making almost all of their assets non-taxable along with their estate and gift tax. And now, with this enemy of capitalism tapping directly into our treasury through their unwarranted interest payments and their ridiculous corporate welfare and tax bailout scams, these proponents of a free market have become totally dependent on big government. But it doesn’t stop there, in that during the last century these false prophets of capitalism have instituted policies that are antithetical to free markets, thereby placing themselves in an ideal position to increase earnings during positive times while gaining equity during recessions, all under the ridiculous concept of this New World Order (NWO) - clearly leveling this once great nation to that of others. But what’s even more frightening is one of our own once respected financial giants, David Rockefeller, supported this NWO and their openly stated aspiration of leveling the United States to that of other nations under the misleading ploy of globalization. David has also been financially linked with the internationally powerful Bilderberg Group, who has close ties with the Saudi Oil Czars and their corrupt cult of terrorists that strategically bombed the World Trade Center - providing still another unjust deception to go to war with Iraq. And in addition to all this, this Rockefeller dynasty Overlords the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the powerful Trilateral Commission (TC), which David himself created to take the place of today’s dysfunctional Congress that once looked after this country’s working class. But more importantly, their more recent deregulation and decentralization of our infrastructure is now applying the final blow to our sovereign nation. So this is where my novel begins.
This novel, The New World Oligarchy, is based on actual events that show how this powerful Aristocracy has taken total control over our once respected and cost effective nonprofit healthcare system. It also describes how their destructive Master Plan is now mushrooming throughout this once sovereign nation’s entire infrastructure – causing our economy to grow weak and the world more fearful, unfriendly, and certainly less united.