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I would like to dedicate this entire story to my mother, who is one of the only people that I completely respect. I have learned so much from her. It is mind-boggling for me to meet all the people I have met and began relationships with, all due to my mother’s upbringing of me. I am quite sure without her I would be in jail most likely for life. However, she provided me a way out to live the best way that I could and live and learn the right way. I can honestly say, Mother, I completely and truly thank you for your short life, teaching me all the important things. Thank you, Mom!

This one is for my wife, Jill, who stood by me throughout thick and thin, with all my family just trying to pick me apart. She was always there and always had my back through everything I went through the last twenty years. She had many of her own issues, such as breast cancer which she defeated by taking care of herself and having the surgery and radiation treatments, which seemed like they were going on forever; however, she tolerated all of it without any problems. She is another great person whom I loved and learned from in this life. Unfortunately, she had met my mother only one day, which they both enjoyed their wines together; then three days later Mom passed away. Jill is another angel who cares for me unconditionally as I do for her with everything I have left!

A Life Interrupted

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