Читать книгу Edgar Cayce and the Kabbalah - John Van Auken - Страница 21

The Origin of Evil


Cayce also teaches that the three lower aspects of being—Soul Being, Soul Mind, and Living Being—existed long before we ever contacted the third dimension and physical life, clarifying that original sin was not a sin of the flesh, as is so often taught, but occurred in the spirit, in the soul, before it entered physical life. Souls brought their lower urges with them; flesh did not cause these urges, but it certainly facilitated a heightened expression of them. (EC 262–52)

Kabbalah teaches the same idea. When there is sin, darkness, or a defect in the creation, it is caused by a separation of what should be united. Souls may become, by misuse of their free wills, so completely focused on themselves that they become separated from the Whole. Of course, there really is no way that we can be outside of the Whole, but we can become unconscious of our oneness with the Whole. When this occurs, the mediating flow between the Creator and the created is broken, disrupting the creative flow and bringing darkness, evil, illness, and a sense of separation and aloneness. Even angels fall when this occurs.

Edgar Cayce and the Kabbalah

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