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An ancient Egyptian myth tells of a creative essence appearing out of the infinite, dark nothingness—willing itself into being. This essence evolved into a creator called Atum (also known as Tem and Atem; illustration 9). This name means the “Complete One.” Within the Complete One was his shadow, which was the infinite womb of mother Iusaaset (pronounced e-oo-sa–ah-set; meaning “mother of the first gods” and “grandmother of the subsequent gods”; illustration 10). The two of them—the self-created Atum and the unseen Iusaaset—conceived breath and moisture. These two offspring became lost in the infinite, dark nothingness; hence Atum sent his eye, the Eye of Light that penetrates the darkness, to find the primordial children. The Eye of Light was Ra (illustration 71). Upon finding the children, Atum named breathe life and moisture order. Atum bound them together, and with these two united, he made air (the Egyptian god Shu) and mist (Tefnut). He then kissed his daughter, mist, and created the first mound (firmament), which as we’ve learned was the Ben-ben Mound. This mound was also known as Iunu (ee-oo-nu). The Ben-ben Mound rose from the vast expanse of the motionless sea of the primordial depths (the goddess Nun). The Complete One (Atum) rested on the mound, while life-air (Shu) and order-mist (Tefnut) mated to create earth (the god Geb) and sky (the goddess Nut, pronounced noot, rhymes with toot). (See illustrations 9 through 15 for images of these Egyptian gods and goddesses, especially illustration 13.)

Earth (Geb) and sky (Nut) then conceived five more godlings: Osiris, god of fertility, resurrection, and judge of the heart of every soul; Isis, goddess of magic, motherhood, and “Mother of the Universe”; Set, god of chaos, confusion, storms, wind, the desert, and foreign lands; Nephthys, “Mistress of the House,” “Friend of the Dead,” and goddess of divine help and protection; and Horus the Elder, god of light, whose left eye was the sun and right eye, the moon. (See illustrations 16 through 18 for images of these Egyptian gods.)

The Complete One (Atum) then prophesies to Osiris that he, Atum, will eventually submerge all of the creation back into the depths of the primordial waters—symbolic of the infinite womb from which creation emerged. Until then, Atum will guide the sun through the night and the darkness of the underworld, and Ra-Atum will bring the sun forth every morning to light the passage through day. (See illustration 19 for the image of Osiris and Ra-Atum.)

Aspects of this myth of life’s origin have often been compared with the shadowy waters of the biblical Genesis: “The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. And God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.” (Genesis 1:2-3)

It helps if we think of these gods and goddesses less as “beings” and more as levels or zones of consciousness and specialized energetics within the whole or the Complete One. They also have their individualized motivations and missions as well as unique characteristics that eventually permeate souls who harmonize with these zones and energetics. Thus, the Egyptians would call like-minded souls “the Daughters of Isis” or “the Sons of Ra,” and so on. Ra and Isis represent the consciousness and vibrations that the individual souls expressed or harmonized with.

Edgar Cayce’s narrative of ancient Egypt includes the story of a soul who became a great Atlantean and then an even greater Egyptian. It is the account of one named Hept-supht (pronounced hep-t–sup-t, silent “h” and no “ph” f-sound), from the city of Alta in the region of Poseidia on the continent of Atlantis. Hept-supht eventually moved to the Giza Plateau. Hept-supht worked closely with the Egyptian high priest Ra-Ta. The first Cayce readings for Hept-supht were most helpful in getting a sense of life in the ancient world. I have edited these for clarity and readability.

“In Atlantis we find the entity [Hept-supht] during those periods before the final destruction of Atlantis, when there were continually waged what may be termed war or evangelistic campaigns.”

Cayce would later explained that these were not military wars but political, religious campaigns for people’s hearts and minds. He continued:

“This was being waged between the followers of the patriarchs of old; of Alta, of Quoauda and those that led a counter campaign against the sons of Baalilal.” This may be another name for Belial in the Bible, (Deuteronomy 13:13); or Beelzebub, which is derived from the god Baal, and is considered “the prince of demons.” (Matthew 12:24)

Alta and Quoauda (pronounced quo-aud-a) were initially god-like beings who later had cities named after them. In a following paragraph we read that the mythological gods Zeus and Zephyrus traveled with Alta and others. This was the nature of the ancient world from Cayce’s and mythology’s perspectives—gods and humans intermingled, until the legendary Great Flood wiped most everything away and life started over with just humans—though some humans retained their innate godliness while others became animalistic, both mentally and physically.

“The entity [Hept-supht] was among those that were active in the exchange of associations with those in Poseidia, in the city of Alta. And the priest Ra-Ta journeyed from the land of Egypt to Poseidia that there might be gained more of an understanding of the law of One, or God, that there might be the interpretations and the records of same carried to the Egyptian land. Soon after the priest returned to Egypt, the entity [Hept-supht] journeyed from Atlantis to Egypt.”

Several readings talk about how much travel there was in these ancient times, and much of the travel was by air ships! We’ll learn more about this is in a later chapter. In the readings about the Egyptian high priest Ra-Ta, it was revealed that he traveled often to various locations around the world, meeting with others to discuss the world situation and how to improve people’s lives spiritually. On this occasion, he came to Alta and met Hept-supht, who had become unhappy with the political and religious unrest in Atlantis. Hept-supht also had an intuitive feeling that the final destruction of the remaining lands of Atlantis was near, which motivated him to migrate to safer lands.

“Hence, as there continued to be the rebellions and the exodus of the peoples from Atlantis before the final destruction, the entity [Hept-supht]—becoming interested in those activities of the Egyptian priest—got himself embroiled with what was going on in Egypt more than Atlantis.”

But before Hept-supht left Alta for Egypt, many changes had taken place in Egypt, many that would call on Hept-supht’s skill communicating with people of different views and manners. He arrived in Egypt shortly after two rebellions and after the high priest had returned from banishment and was reestablishing himself.

Cayce told the story this way:

“With the return of the high priest, which came at the same time or days in which the entity Hept-supht established itself [sic] as a native of Egypt, the entity began to work with the high priest, the native co-ruler [Aarat], and the young king [son of Arart, who both banished and reinstated Ra-Ta] to bring order out of the general chaos that existed through these troublesome turmoils and periods; and aided the most in directing those that began to be the heads of the various departments in the establishing of the truths or tenets, or practical application of the laws (as would be termed in the present) pertaining to those things that made for chemistry, building, commerce, labor, economic conditions, then the schools, the educational centers, and the varied activities that would be classified in such experiences in the present day—the arts, in the broader sense; as workers in precious stones, silver, gold, and the more delicate metals that required the more intrinsic activity of individuals—and music, and the instruments thereof, the recordings of the varied activities necessary that they might be handed down.

“Hence, of particular interest to the entity is the manner in which a record is kept of the activities of every branch of man’s mental or spiritual activity. For, the entity then aided in these directly; hence came in contact, in direct touch with all those who headed or aided in mental or physical activity to produce that which would be helpful to the coming generations in retaining and maintaining that standard set by those as they had journeyed along the way.”

“Hence the entity aided the priest in activity, but he aided the populace the more. And, as we have given, aided much in the records; not only of the period but as to how the varied activities were to be in the land pertaining to the records of that which was to be, as well as that which had been, and the records in that monument or tomb or pyramid yet to be opened [the Hall of Records, more on this in a later chapter]. Records also of those that were transferred from the destruction of the Atlantean land. For, the entity was still in charge of these records when the last of the peoples of Atlantis journeyed to the various quarters of the globe; but Alta, Zeus, Zephyrus, and the recorder of Alta were friends, associates—yea, descendents in the flesh with and of the same as the entity.”

This last comment refers to a set of Atlantean records carved on stone tablets that were under the care of Hept-supht. Also, the last comments reveal how spirit-mind gods were manifesting in the “flesh” dimension or 3-D physical world. This was a strange time, one that we today consider to be mythology, but from Cayce’s perspective they were real beings, events, and activities. Even Jesus affirmed that we are gods (John 10:34), referring to Psalm 82:6, “You are gods, all of you are sons (and daughters) of the Most High.” Long, long ago we were all made in the image of God, and as many ancient cultures record, we were the children of God, godlings within the infinite God. However, as materiality and physicality took an increasingly dominant place in our consciousness and perception, we became almost totally consumed by our physical form and nature, losing the godly as it dropped into deep, unconscious levels of our minds. Cayce prophesied that we will soon regain the awareness we had in prehistoric Atlantis and Lemuria.

The reincarnated soul who had been Hept-supht asked Cayce to give him an idea of how powerful he once was:

“(Q) Give in detail the psychic powers he developed at that time?

“(A) This would almost be impossible. To put such into words would be as impractical as it would be to describe what the multiple of colors as related to vibrations brings, reduced to its eleventh or nth degree.”

What a curious comment by Cayce. In one of the Atlantis Series readings (340 series), Cayce stated that high psychic ability was so natural to Atlanteans that we today could barely comprehend such an existence! Apparently, Hept-supht had this level of psychic awareness and power. Can we image a condition in which we would know the thoughts of everyone around us, the location of people at great distances from us, the movements of nature, the weather, the trees, the animals—and even influence them with our minds? Cayce continued:

“Yet, as may be seen from that given, psychic is so often misconstrued. For, it is of the mental or soul, and was that which was mostly employed in the experience by the entity, when it would be compared to the materiality that is necessarily employed in this material age—or in an age when ‘Only that I may see, or touch, or feel, or taste, do I comprehend.’ ”

In several readings Cayce stated that, as difficult as it may be for us to accept, the “unseen forces” are more powerful than the seen. The mind is so much more powerful than we know today. As even Jesus pointed out: “If you had the faith and did not doubt, you could say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and it would done.” (Matthew 21:21) Few of us believe that today.

Let’s read one more of Hept-supht’s readings before analyzing them further. Gladys notes on her steno pad that the suggestion given to Cayce was, “Soul-mind seeking further information on his Egyptian incarnation as Hept-supht and its influence in the present. Questions.” After this suggestion, Cayce, in trance, repeated the suggestion and then said, “Hept-supht—Help Keep It Shut,” revealing for us the meaning of this strange, ancient name. The reading then proceeded:

“Yes, we have the entity, the soul-mind and the experiences in the earth of [378], as known in the present. [Numbers replaced personal names in the files to provide privacy.]

“Ready for questions.

“(Q) Give spiritual help to develop the psychic powers, which will enable me to become a fitting channel for God’s work, now.

“(A) In the application of that which has been the experience of a soul through sojourns in the earth, these should not be taken only for their historical setting.”

From Cayce’s trance state, past-life information is not just for the historical perspective or to know who we were but for the wholeness of our soul and the awakening of our larger mind, one that has a broader memory complex than a single incarnation on earth. Our soul also has a bigger mission than our single incarnate life.

“As the entity in the present makes the application, or sets in motion the experiences of self in its contact with those [past-life] influences that may be contacted, so will the growth be; so will there be unfolded to the entity those experiences throughout its own appearances, not as to the histology or the genealogical conditions but that which is much deeper—or that known as individuality. And so does growth come.”

Next, Cayce states it clearly: “As we apply, make use of, set past-life knowledge and influence in motion, then more comes to us. As more comes, we grow in our understanding, our deeper understanding, not our historical or genealogical knowledge. Or, as we have given as to how a soul becomes conscious, aware, of its contact with the universal-cosmic-God-Creative Forces in its experience; by feeding upon the food, the fruits, the results of spirit, of God, of Life, of Reality: Love, hope, kindness, gentleness, brotherly love, patience. These make for the awareness in the soul of its relationship to the creative force that is manifest in self, in the ego, in the I AM of each soul, and of I AM THAT I AM.

“So may the entity, the soul of this entity, become aware—through meditating upon those understandings, those truths that are as examples, as witnesses in the earth and its environs—of that which magnifies the Spirit in the earth of the first manifestation that man calls God and His holy angels.

“(Q) Was the entity the one that, at the completion of the pyramid, clanged the sheet of metal?

“(A) Clanged the sheet of metal [that was the capstone to the Great Pyramid] at the completion of Gizeh, that sealed the records in the tomb yet to be discovered.

“(Q) Please describe incident and ceremony.

“(A) The apex [capstone of the Great Pyramid] that has been long since removed by the sons of Heth [great grandson of Noah through his son Ham and Ham’s son Canaan; Heth is considered to be the ancestor of the Hittites, also Hethites, see Genesis 10 and 23], the crown or apex [capstone], was of metal; that was to be indestructible, being of copper, brass and gold with other alloys that were prepared by those of the period.” In another reading Cayce commented again about Heth, speaking to one of his reincarnated daughters: “The entity then was among the daughters of Heth from whom Abraham purchased the land near Socoh.” (Genesis 23, ten miles SW of Hebron)

“And, as this was to be (Gizeh we are speaking of) the place for the initiates and their gaining by personal application, and by the journey or journeys through the various activities—as in the ceremonial actions of those that became initiates, it became very fitting (to those as in Ra, and those of Ra-Ta Ra [a name used after Ra-Ta had “awakened to the Ra within him”) that there should be the crowning or placing of this symbol of the record [capstone], and of the initiates’ place of activity, by one who represented both the old and the new; one representing then the Sons of the Law in Atlantis, Lemuria, Oz, and Og. So, he that keeps the record, that keeps shut, or Hept-supht, was made or chosen as the one to seal that in the tomb.

“The ceremony was long; the clanging of the apex [metallic capstone] by the gavel that was used in the sounding of the placing. Hence there has arisen from this ceremony many of those things that may be seen in the present; as the call to prayer, the church bell in the present, may be termed a descendant; the sounding of the trumpet as the call to arms, or that as revelry; the sound as of those that make for mourning, in the putting away of the body; the sounding as of ringing in the new year, the sounding as of the coming of the bridegroom; all have their inception from the sound that was made that kept the earth’s record of the earth’s building, as to that from the change. The old record in Gizeh is from that as recorded from the journey to Pyrenees [the initial migration from sinking Atlantis to higher ground; the Pyrenees are a mountain range between Spain and France]; and to 1998 from the death of the Son of Man as a man.” Here Cayce is identifying three key stages in the ascent of the children of God to their rightful place: (1) migrate from the old ways, old lands to higher ground, or higher consciousness, leaving those old ways behind; (2) crucify earthly desire in self so that the real self may come through, and die to possessiveness of selfishness and self-seeking (death of the Son of Man as a man); and (3) the cycle comes around again beginning in 1998 as a new era, a new age begins, and the greater opportunities present themselves again.

“(Q) Give a prayer to awaken the best in me now.

“(A) So let my life now shine unto others that they may know that Thou, O God, would speak and meet those I meet day by day. Create in me a pure heart. Renew a righteous soul within me, O God!”

Edgar Cayce's Tales of Ancient Egypt

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