Читать книгу Angels, Fairies, Demons, and the Elementals - John Van Auken - Страница 6



“Enchanted Tree”: © Ellerslie77/Dreamstime.com

“Mysterious Old Forest”: © Subbotina/Dreamstime.com

Gustave Doré: The Emporium

Gustave Doré: Elijah is nourished by an angel, I Kings 19

“Enchanted Elves House”: © Ellerslie77/Dreamstime.com

“Fairy Rocks and Flowers”: © Unholyvault/Dreamstime.com

John Albert Bauer (1882-1918): Trolls and the Fairy, Wikimedia

Edward Robert Hughes (1851-1914): “Midsummer Eve,” a fairy ring, Wikimedia

William Blake (1757-1827): Lucifer before the Fall

Depiction of Human Double-Helix DNA Strand from the National Institute of Standards

Anubis is an Egypt icon of the “sixth sense,” using the scent of the lotus to guide souls through the Underworld to the Heavens (Author’s collection)

Angels, Fairies, Demons, and the Elementals

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