Читать книгу Shakespeare and the Rose of Love - John Vyvyan - Страница 6


For nothing this wide universe

I call, Save thou, my rose; in it thou art my all.


Is mihi ‘Lascivi’ dixit ‘praeceptor Amoris, duc, age, discipulos ad mea templa tuos, est ubi diversum fama celebrata per orbem littera, cognosci quae sibi quemque iubet. Qui sibi notus erit, solus sapienter amabit atque opus ad vires exiget omne suas.’

‘Come, thou preceptor of light love, and lead thy pupils to my temple. Thereon, is an inscription famed throughout the earth that commands each to know himself. Only he who knows himself will love with wisdom, and according to his powers, perform love’s work in full.’


Shakespeare and the Rose of Love

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