Читать книгу Tower Hill - John W Trexler - Страница 13

Master Planning


The last year I was employed by the Park Commission, I participated in a master planning process for Bamboo Brook and an adjacent property Willowood Arboretum. There had always been a neighborly connection between the two properties. Martha Hutcheson was friendly with the Tubb Brothers who owned Willowood. Russ Meyers, Secretary Director of the Park Commission, rightly felt it would be a win-win if the properties became a dual experience for the casual visitor and share educational programming, plant accessions and overall interpretation. After several interviews the Philadelphia-based Andropogon Associates were chosen to do the plan. I participated in group meetings and one-on-ones with the principle landscape architects. The end result was a shared path that crossed Bamboo Brook that could accommodate maintenance vehicles as well as foot traffic. The path logically approached both landscapes at key entry points. A common thread was the similarities of architecture and garden style. Months of time and tens of thousands of dollars were spent to create the plan. Unfortunately, it ended up in a desk drawer never to see the light of day again. I was appalled by the outcome of this thorough and thoughtful process. I promised myself that if I ever participated in a master planning process again, I would be sure to see it come to fruition.

Before WCHS formally bought the property in March 1986,

Tony King took photographs of the Tower Hill snowscape.

Photo by Tony King, 1986

Tower Hill

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