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23:1 And the Lord spake to Moses and said,

23:2 Speak thou to the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say to them, These be the fairs, that is, holidays/holy days, of the Lord, which ye shall call holy. (Speak thou to the Israelites, and thou shalt say to them, These be the Feasts, or the Festivals, that is, the Holy Days, to honour the Lord, which ye shall call holy.)

23:3 Six days ye shall do work, the seventh day shall be called holy, for it is the rest of the sabbath; ye shall not do any work therein (ye shall not do any work on it); it is the sabbath of the Lord in all your dwelling places.

23:4 These be the holy fairs, either solemnities, of the Lord, which ye ought to hallow in their times. (These be the Feasts, or the Festivals, to honour the Lord, yea, the holy gatherings, which ye ought to proclaim at their proper time.)

23:5 In the first month, in the fourteenth day of the month, at eventide, is [the] pask of the Lord; (In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, is the Lord's Passover;)

23:6 and in the fifteenth day of this month is the solemnity of therf loaves of the Lord; seven days ye shall eat therf loaves; (and on the fifteenth day of this month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to honour the Lord; for seven days ye shall eat unleavened bread, that is, bread made without yeast;)

23:7 the first day shall be most solemn and holy to you; ye shall not do any servile work therein, (on the first day there shall be a holy gathering; ye shall not do any daily work on it,)

23:8 but ye shall offer sacrifice in fire to the Lord seven days; soothly the seventh day shall be more solemn and holier, and ye shall not do any servile work therein. (but for seven days ye shall offer burnt sacrifices to the Lord; and on the seventh day there shall be another holy gathering, and ye shall not do any daily work on it.)

23:9 And the Lord spake to Moses and said,

23:10 Speak thou to the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say to them, When ye have entered into the land which I shall give to you, and have reaped [the] corn, ye shall bear handfuls of ears of corn, the first fruits of your ripe corn, to the priest (ye shall take, or shall bring in, some sheaves, the first fruits of your harvest, to the priest);

23:11 and the priest shall raise up a bundle before the Lord, that it be acceptable for you, in the tother day of the sabbath, that is, of (the) pask; and the priest shall hallow that bundle; (and the priest shall raise up, or shall wave, the sheaf as a special gift before the Lord, so that you gain acceptance; yea, on the day after the sabbath, that is, the day after the Passover, the priest shall dedicate that sheaf;)

23:12 and the same day, wherein the handful is hallowed, a lamb of one year without wem shall be slain into burnt sacrifice of the Lord; (and on the same day in which the sheaf is dedicated, or is waved, a lamb of one year, without blemish, shall be killed for a burnt sacrifice to the Lord;)

23:13 and [the] flowing offerings shall be offered therewith, two tenth parts of [tried] wheat flour sprinkled (al)together with oil, into incense of the Lord, and sweetest odour, and [the] flowing offerings of wine, the fourth part of hin. (and the grain offering shall be offered with it, that is, two tenths of an ephah of fine wheat flour altogether sprinkled with oil, as incense to the Lord, to make the sweetest aroma, and also the wine offering, the fourth part of a hin.)

23:14 Ye shall not eat a loaf, neither cake, nor pottage of the corn, till to the day in which ye shall offer thereof to your God; it is a behest everlasting in your generations, and [in] all your dwelling places (this is an everlasting law for all your generations, in all your dwelling places).

23:15 Therefore ye shall number from the tother day of the sabbath, in which ye offered handfuls of the first fruits, seven full weeks, (And so ye shall count seven full weeks from the day after the sabbath, that is, after the Passover, in which ye offered the sheaves as a special gift,)

23:16 till to the tother day of (the) filling of the seventh week, that is (in all), fifty days; and so ye shall offer [a] new sacrifice to the Lord, (until the day after the filling of the seventh week, that is in all, fifty days; and then ye shall offer a new grain offering to the Lord,)

23:17 of all your dwelling places, two loaves of the first fruits, of two tenth parts of [tried] (wheat) flour, dighted with sourdough, which loaves ye shall bake into the first fruits to the Lord. (brought from all your dwelling places, as a special gift, two loaves made out of two tenths of an ephah of fine wheat flour, and baked with yeast, or with leaven; these shall be the first fruits, given to the Lord.)

23:18 And ye shall offer with the loaves seven lambs of one year without wem, and one calf of the drove, and two rams; and these shall be in(to) burnt sacrifice, with their flowing offerings, into the sweetest odour to the Lord. (And ye shall offer with the loaves seven lambs of one year, and one calf from the herd, and two rams, all without blemish, or without fault; and these shall be for a burnt sacrifice, with the proper grain offering, and the proper wine offering, to make the sweetest aroma to the Lord.)

23:19 Ye shall make also a goat buck for sin, and two lambs of one year, [the] sacrifices of peaceable things. (Ye shall also offer a goat buck for a sin offering, and two lambs of one year for a peace offering.)

23:20 And when the priest hath raised those (up, or waved them), with the loaves of the first fruits, (as a special gift) before the Lord, those shall fall into the priest's use (they shall belong to the priest).

23:21 And ye shall call this day most solemn, and most holy; ye shall not do therein any servile work; it shall be a lawful thing everlasting in all your dwellings, and generations. (And on this day there shall be a holy gathering; ye shall not do any daily work on it; this shall be an everlasting law for all your generations, in all your dwelling places.)

23:22 Forsooth after that ye have reaped the corn of your land, ye shall not cut it till to the ground, neither ye shall gather the ears of corn that abide, but ye shall leave those to poor men and pilgrims; I am the Lord your God. (And when ye harvest your land, ye shall not cut the corners of the land down to the ground, nor shall ye gather up all the ears of corn that be left, but ye shall leave them for the poor and for foreigners; I am the Lord your God.)

23:23 And the Lord spake to Moses, and said,

23:24 Speak thou to the sons of Israel, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall be [a] sabbath, (a) memorial to you, sounding with trumps, and it shall be called holy; (Say thou to the Israelites, In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, shall be a sabbath day of rest for you, and there shall be a holy gathering, with the sounding of trumpets;)

23:25 ye shall not do any servile work therein (ye shall not do any daily work on it), and ye shall offer (a) burnt sacrifice to the Lord.

23:26 And the Lord spake to Moses, and said,

23:27 In the tenth day of this seventh month, the day of cleansings shall be most solemn, and it shall be called holy; and ye shall torment your souls to God, and ye shall offer burnt sacrifice to the Lord; (And on the tenth day of this seventh month, shall be the most solemn Day of Cleansing, or Day of Atonement, and there shall be a holy gathering; and ye shall torment your souls before God, and ye shall offer a burnt sacrifice to the Lord;)

23:28 ye shall not do any work in the time of this day, for it is the day of cleansing, that your Lord God be merciful to you. (ye shall not do any work on this day, for it is the Day of Cleansing, that is, the Day of Atonement, so that the Lord your God shall be merciful to you.)

23:29 Each man which is not tormented in this day, shall perish from his peoples, (Anyone who shall not torment himself on this day, shall be cut off from among his people,)

23:30 and I shall do away from his people that man that doeth anything of work in that day; (and I shall do away from his people anyone who doeth any work on that day;)

23:31 therefore ye shall not do anything of work in that day; it shall be a lawful thing everlasting to you in all your generations and dwellings; (and so ye shall not do any work on that day; this shall be an everlasting law for you for all your generations, in all your dwelling places;)

23:32 it is the sabbath of resting. Ye shall therein torment your souls from the ninth day of the month; from the eventide till to (the next) eventide ye shall hallow your sabbaths. (it is the sabbath day of rest, and on it ye shall torment your souls; yea, on the ninth day of the month, from the evening until the next evening, ye shall keep your sabbath holy, that is, keep this sacred day of rest.)

23:33 And the Lord spake to Moses, and said,

23:34 Speak thou to the sons of Israel, From the fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the fairs of tabernacles1, in seven days to the Lord; (Say thou to the Israelites, From the fifteenth day of this seventh month, and for seven days, shall be the Feast of Tabernacles, to honour the Lord;)

23:35 the first day shall be called most solemn and most holy, ye shall not do any servile work therein; (on the first day there shall be a holy gathering, ye shall not do any daily work on it;)

23:36 and seven days ye shall offer burnt sacrifices to the Lord, and the eighth day shall be most solemn and most holy; and ye shall offer burnt sacrifice to the Lord, for it is the day of company, and of gathering; ye shall not do any servile work therein. (and for seven days ye shall offer burnt sacrifices to the Lord, and then on the eighth day there shall be another holy gathering; and on it ye shall offer a burnt sacrifice to the Lord, for it is the day of congregation, yea, of gathering together; ye shall not do any daily work on it.)

23:37 These be the fairs of the Lord, which ye shall call most solemn and most holy; and in them ye shall offer offerings to the Lord, burnt sacrifices, and flowing offerings, by the custom of each day, (These be the Feasts, or the Festivals, to honour the Lord, which shall be holy gatherings for you; and at them ye shall offer burnt sacrifices to the Lord, and peace offerings, and grain offerings, and sacrifices, and wine offerings, by the custom of each day,)

23:38 besides the sabbaths of the Lord, and your gifts, and that that ye offer by avows, either that that ye give by free will to the Lord. (besides the Lord's sabbaths, and your gifts, and what ye offer by vows, and those free will offerings that ye give to the Lord.)

23:39 Therefore from the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have gathered all the fruits of your land, ye shall hallow the fairs of the Lord seven days; in the first day and the eighth day shall be (a) sabbath, that is, rest. (And so from the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have gathered in all the fruits of your land, and for seven days, ye shall keep this Feast to honour the Lord; on the first day, and on the eighth day, shall be a sabbath, that is, a day of rest.)

23:40 And ye shall take to you in the first day fruits of the fairest tree(s), and [the] branches of palm trees, and the branches of a thick-boughed tree, and sallows of the running stream, and ye shall be glad before your Lord God; (And on the first day ye shall take the fruits of the fairest trees, and the branches of palm trees, and the branches of thick-boughed trees, and of willows from the banks of the streams, and ye shall rejoice before the Lord your God;)

23:41 and ye shall hallow his solemnity seven days in the year; it shall be a lawful thing everlasting in your generations. In the seventh month ye shall hallow the feast days, (and ye shall dedicate this Feast to honour the Lord for seven days each year; this shall be an everlasting law for all your generations. In the seventh month ye shall dedicate these feast days,)

23:42 and ye shall dwell in shadowing places seven days; each man that is of the kin of Israel, shall dwell in (these) tabernacles, (and ye shall live in tents, or booths, or shelters, for seven days; everyone who is of the kin of Israel, shall live in these simple shelters,)

23:43 that your after-comers learn, that I made the sons of Israel to dwell in tabernacles, when I led them out of the land of Egypt; I am your Lord God. (so that your after-comers learn, that I made the Israelites to live in simple shelters, when I led them out of the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God.)

23:44 And Moses spake of the solemnities of the Lord to the sons of Israel. (And so Moses spoke to the Israelites about the Feasts, or the Festivals, to honour the Lord.)

Wycliffe's Bible

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