Читать книгу Collins Scottish Words: A wee guide to the Scottish language - John Abernethy - Страница 8

Pronunciation guide


Where the pronunciation of a word is unusual or of interest, guidance has been provided for the reader. The system used is self-explanatory, as far as possible, but the pronunciation guide below may be used in case of doubt.

Single vowels indicate a short sound. Longer vowels are indicated using the following letter-combinations:

Single consonants have their normal value, with other sounds being indicated by the following letter-combinations:

CH a guttural sound, as in loch
ch as in chew
dh a soft sound, as in they
sh as in show
th as in thing
wh an aspirated sound, like ‘hw’

Readers should note that the letter ‘r’ is sounded when it follows a vowel in words such as ‘for’, and so the words ‘sore’ and ‘saw’ are pronounced differently in Scots, whereas an English speaker would make them sound the same.

Collins Scottish Words: A wee guide to the Scottish language

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