Читать книгу The Alden Catalogue of Choice Books, May 30, 1889 - John Alden - Страница 24

Alphabetical Catalogue
The “Boz” Dickens – $3.00!


*Dickens. Charles Dickens’ Complete Works, “Boz” Edition, in six vols., small 8vo, good type, with numerous illus., well printed on fair paper, cl., $3.00 (75c)

– Illustrated Edition of the works of Charles Dickens, published in small octavo volumes, fine cloth, gilt tops, far superior in quality to any “cheap” edition in the market. Closing out at 50c. (10c) per volume, 1. Pickwick; 2. Oliver Twist, Pictures from Italy, and American Notes; 3. Old Curiosity Shop and Hard Times; 4. Great Expectations; 5. Barnaby Rudge; 6. Child’s England.

Dickens’ Works. Caxton illustrated edition; per vol., cloth. 40c. (10c) 1. Pickwick Papers; 2. Martin Chuzzlewit; 3. Child’s History of England; 4. Little Dorrit.

Dickens. Three Christmas Stories, Carol, Chimes and Cricket. Cloth, 30c. (11c)

Donohue. Idyls of Israel and other Poems. By D. J. Donohue. 16mo, cloth, gilt top, 80c. (30c).

The Alden Catalogue of Choice Books, May 30, 1889

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