Читать книгу The Way of the Cross with the Saints - John Collins - Страница 7
Оглавление– Introduction –
Walking with the Saints in the Footsteps of Christ
“Out of darkness is born the light,” writes St. Catherine of Siena. And in those few words she offers us a gift: a perfect way to begin our meditation on the Way of the Cross. Yet the birth of light is rarely on our minds as we follow Jesus’ slow and painful climb to Golgotha’s heights, for the darkness is too apparent, the gathering gloom too great. The light that Catherine perceives hides from us. We know it will come on Easter morning, but on Good Friday doesn’t darkness reign supreme?
Catherine and the other saints are emphatic in their answer: No it does not! How could it, for the Way of the Cross is the way to the Resurrection, the way of redemption? The saints tell us that this dark journey contains within itself a great and powerful light that is present from the beginning but is not apparent until the end. Long before Jesus stands in front of Pilate the light of a new dawn has become real. It shines within Him and from His every act. It shines forth from the divine will that gives us a Savior and allows Him to live and die as one of us. It is a light powerfully present in every step Jesus takes as He makes His way through a darkness that becomes light, to a death that becomes life.