Читать книгу The Forbidden City - John McNally - Страница 16

DAY TWO 07:00 (LOCAL GMT+8). Cash Till#3, Kung Fu Noodles, The Forbidden City, Shanghai. Nano-Botmass:*25765



Sparks flew as carbon was fed into spark gaps at one end of the production suite. It was consumed, worked and transformed as it was drawn along an assembly line.

*25766 …

An instruction from an XE.CUTE bot at the head of each suite determined which of the fifty-two types of bot would be replicated.

*25767 …

There were now forty-three production suites fixed like leeches to the electronic innards of the cash till, each a miniature factory, each running at full capacity. Eleven more were partially constructed across cash tills #2 and #3.

*25768 …

Bots crawled and flew through the three cash tills and constantly swapped data and power through long whip-like antennae, bots of every kind and colour, waiting to slot into place to form a new production suite on the crammed motherboards.

*25769 …

Desperate to replicate.

The PRIME XE.CUTE sat at the head of suite #1. Like every other XE.CUTE in the botmass it passed on the photonic light of life as each new bot emerged. With a quantum kiss.

It was endless.

*25770 …

*25771 …

*25772 …

*25773 …

*25774 …

The Forbidden City

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