Читать книгу Forever Words - Johnny Cash - Страница 4


‘If we want to know what it means to be mortal, we need look no further than the Man in Black’


‘The Man in Black was also an incredibly productive poet who was just as happy to let his pen do the talking . . . Love, mortality, addiction, humour, spirituality, pain, wonder, hope, heartbreak, freedom and resignation all weave in and out of Cash’s poetry – just as they did in his songs – in an attempt to paint the most accurate portrait of his true self’

WILL HODGE, Rollingstone.com ‘In some ways the poems mirror Cash’s songwriting, with terse ballads of outsiders in love, and parables drawn from the Bible . . . yet another look at a legend of American music’ BEN SISARIO, The New York Times ‘In retrospect, we should have assumed that outlaw country musician Johnny Cash was leading a double life as a secret poet’ DENNIS DICLAUDIO, The A.V. Club

Forever Words

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