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ОглавлениеPraise for John Robbins and
No Happy Cows
“John Robbins has inspired a revolution, plain and simple. He saw things that were wrong in the food industry long before any of us did, and with his brilliant research and compelling insight, caused a seismic shift in the way we Americans behold our dinner plates. This book is not only clarifying in terms of the physical, environmental, and spiritual effects of food, but it is inspiring enough to cause material change.”
—KATHY FRESTON, New York Times bestselling author of Quantum Wellness and Veganist
“With his singular talent for telling us what we need to know in a way that makes us want to hear it, John Robbins gives us No Happy Cows—as engaging as it is informative, and more important than you'll know until you've read it.”
—VICTORIA MORAN, author of Main Street Vegan
“In this comprehensive yet highly accessible book, John Robbins puts to rest many of the most hotly debated and pressing issues of the times regarding our food choices. With his characteristic grace, compassion, and wisdom, Robbins debunks the myths that have confounded consumers, causing them to act against their own interests and the interests of the planet. This book is a must-read for anyone who cares about their own wellbeing and the well-being of the world.”
—MELANIE JOY, PHD, EDM, auth3or of Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism
“Every so often, I come across a book of substance—a masterpiece that enriches all aspects of my life. It's rare, but when it happens, I am over the moon. John's new book, No Happy Cows, is that kind of book, which I am highly recommending in my work and books. If you wish to upgrade your diet, lose weight, reboot your health, and enhance your life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, No Happy Cows will be your godsend. Every page of this book is filled with food for thought. I encourage you to get several extra copies to keep on hand and give for gifts. It's a must-read for anyone interested in vibrant health from an outstanding author who writes from the heart. Kudos to John Robbins for another life-changing book!”
—SUSAN SMITH JONES, PHD, author of The Joy Factor and Walking on Air
“John Robbins is one of the most important voices in America today, and the most powerfully sane man I know. He cuts through nonsense like no one else does. He delivers crucial information like no one else does. He gives hope like no one else does. His words are lifelines for the mind, heart, body and soul. When the going gets rough, Robbins’ wisdom is what people need to see them through.”
—MARIANNE WILLIAMSON, author of A Return to Love and A Woman's Worth
“John Robbins is the leading voice in the world for restoring humanity to its proper relationship with food, the Earth, and health.”
—PAUL HAWKEN, author of Natural Capitalism
“A person who leads me to eat in a way that cultivates spiritual awareness is my kind of prophet. John Robbins gives me a light at the end of the tunnel as well as providing a moral compass. The truth has few allies these days. I have deep and abiding respect for John Robbins.”
—WOODY HARRELSON, actor and activist
“With regard to our health and the health of our planet, The Food Revolution could be the most important book ever written.”
—NEALE DONALD WALSCH, author of Conversations with God
“John Robbins connects the dots that need connecting—environment, personal health, societal economics, and personal meaning. Scientific researchers also would do well to read what Robbins says.”
—T. COLIN CAMPBELL, author of The China Study; professor emeritus, Cornell University
“If every patient in every doctor's office read The Food Revolution, it would revolutionize the health of America.”
—NEAL BARNARD, MD, president, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
“John Robbins provides both the information and the encouragement we need in order to reclaim the health of our bodies and our planet. Packed with political dynamite, The Food Revolution will change your life. A must read for everyone who eats.”
—JOANNA MACY, author of Coming Back to Life and Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in without Going Crazy
“John Robbins enables us to find our way through the maze of information about food choices and the food industry. His impeccable research and visionary outlook are a gift to those of us who wish to make wise food choices.”
—ANN MORTIFEE, vocal artist and composer