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ОглавлениеJanuary 2nd. From 30 minutes past 10 till 15 minutes past 11 in the morning; and from 15 minutes before 9 till 15 minutes before 11 at night.
15th: From 30 minutes past 9 till 15 minutes past 10 in the morning, and from 30 minutes past 7 till 15 minutes past 11 at night.
26th: From 30 minutes past 8 till 15 minutes past 9 in the morning; and from 7 till 15 minutes past 10 at night.
February 11th and 12th: From 30 minutes past 7 till 15 minutes past 8 in the morning; and from 15 minutes past 6 till 15 minutes before 9 at night.
21st: From 7 till 15 minutes before 8 in the morning, and from 15 minutes past 5 till 15 minutes before 8 at night.
25th and 26th: From 15 minutes before 7 till 30 minutes past 7 in morning; and from 15 minutes before 5 till 30 minutes past 7 in evening.
March 10th: From 5 till 15 minutes before 6 in the morning; and from 4 in the afternoon till 15 minutes before 7 in the evening.
April 6th: From 15 minutes past 4 till 5 in the morning; and from 30 minutes past 2 till 15 minutes past 5 in the afternoon.
20th: From 30 minutes past 3 till 15 minutes past 4 in the morning; and from 30 minutes past 1 till 15 minutes past 4 in the afternoon.
May 3rd: From 15 minutes before 3 till 30 minutes past 3 in the morning: and from 15 minutes before 1 till 30 minutes past 3 in the afternoon.
18th: From 2 till 15 minutes before 3 in the morning and from 12 at noon till 15 minutes before 3 in the afternoon.
28th: From 15 minutes before 1 till 30 minutes past 2 in the morning; and from 15 minutes before 12 at noon till 30 minutes past 2 in the afternoon.
31st: From 15 minutes before 1 till 30 minutes past 1 in the morning; and from 15 minutes past 10 in the morning till 15 minutes before 1 in the afternoon.
June 10th and 11th. From 15 minutes from 12 at night till 1 in the morning.
15th. From 10 in the morning till 2 in the afternoon; and from 15 minutes before 12 at night till 15 minutes before 1 in the morning.
25th: From 15 minutes past 9 in the morning till 12 at noon; and from 11 to 12 at night.
29th. From 9 in the morning till 15 minutes before 12 at noon, and from 15 minutes before 11 till 15 minutes before 12 at night.
July 19th From 15 minutes past 8 till 11 in the morning; and from 10 till 11 at night.
14th and 15th: From 8 till 11 in the morning, and from 10 till 11 at night.
28th: From 7 till 10 in the morning, and from 9 till 10 at night.
August 6th and 7th. From 30 minutes past 6 till 15 minutes past 9 in the morning; and from 15 minutes past 8 till 15 minutes past 9 at night.
10 and 11th. From 15 minutes past 6 till 9 in the morning, and from 8 till 9 in the evening.
19th and 20th: From 30 minutes past 5 till 80 minutes past 8 in the morning; and from 30 minutes past 7 till 30 minutes past 8 in the evening.
25th. From 15 minutes past 5 till 8 in the morning; and from 7 till 8 in the evening.
September 4th. From 15 minutes before 5 till 30 minutes past 7 in the morning, and from 30 minutes past 6 till 30 minutes past 7 in the evening.
8th and 9th. From 30 minutes past 4 till 15 minutes past 7 in the morning, and from 15 minutes past 6 till 15 minutes past 7 in the evening
17th and 18th: From 5 till 15 minutes before 5 in the morning; and from 15 minutes before 6 till 15 minutes before 7 in the evening.
23rd. From 30 minutes past 3 till 30 minutes past 5 in the morning; and from 30 minutes past 5 till 30 minutes past 6 in the evening.
October 3rd: From 3 till 15 minutes before 6 in the morning; and from 15 minutes past 4 till 15 minutes past 5 in the afternoon.
7th: From 15 minutes before 3 till 30 minutes past 5 in the morning, and from 30 minutes past 4 till 30 minutes past 5 in the afternoon.
16th. From 2 till 5 in the morning; and from 4 till 5 in the afternoon.
21st and 22nd. From 15 minutes before 2 till 30 minutes past 4 in the morning; and from 30 minutes past 3 till 15 minutes past 4 in the afternoon.
November 5th: From 1 till 15 minutes before 4 in the morning; and from 15 minutes before 3 till 15 minutes before 4 in the afternoon,
14th: From 15 minutes past 12 till 3 in the morning; and from 2 till 3 in the afternoon.
20th: From 15 minutes before 12 till 15 minutes past 2 in the morning; and from 15 minutes past 1 till 2 in the afternoon.
December 14th and 15th. From 10 till 30 minutes past 12 in the morning; and from 12 at noon till 15 minutes before 1 in the afternoon.
18th and 19th. From 15 minutes before 10 at night till 15 minutes past 5 in the morning, and from 30 minutes past 11 till 15 minutes past 12 at night.
January 3rd: From 30 minutes past 10 till 15 minutes past 11 in the morning; and from 15 minutes before 9 till 15 minutes past 11 at night.
12th and 13th: From 15 minutes past 9 till 10 in the morning, and from 15 minutes before 8 to 30 minutes past 10 at night.
18th: From 9 till 15 minutes before 10 in the morning; and from 15 minutes past 7 till 10 at night.
27th. From 9 till 15 minutes before 10 in the morning; and from 7 till 15 minutes before 10 at night.
February 1st: From 8 till 30 minutes past 8 in the morning, and from 6 till 30 minutes past 8 in the evening.
11th and 12th: From 15 minutes before 8 till 80 minutes past 8 in the morning; and from 15 minutes before 6 till 30 minutes past 8 in the evening.
17th. From 7 till 15 minutes before 8 in the morning; and from 15 minutes past 5 till 8 in the evening.
March 1st: From 30 minutes past 6 till 15 minutes past 7 in the morning: and from 30 minutes past 4 till 15 minutes past 7 in the evening.
16th and 17th: From 30 minutes past 5 till 15 minutes past 6 in the morning and from 15 minutes before 4 till 30 minutes past 6 in the evening.
19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th: From 30 minutes past 5 till 30 minutes past 6 in the morning: and from 30 minutes past 3 till 15 minutes past 6 in the evening.
26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th: From 15 minutes past 5 till 15 minutes before 6 in the morning and from 15 minutes past 3 till 6 in the evening.
April 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th: From 30 minutes past 4 till 30 minutes past 5 in the morning; and from 30 minutes past 2 till 5 in the afternoon.
10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th. From 15 minutes before 4 till 15 minutes before 5 in the morning, and from 2 till 30 minutes past 4 in the afternoon.
19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. From 30 minutes past 4 in the morning, and from 15 minutes before 2 till 30 minutes past 4 in the afternoon.
25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th: From 3 till 4 in the morning, and from 15 minutes past 1 till 15 minutes before 4 in the afternoon.
May 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th: From 15 minutes past 2 till 15 minutes past 3 in the morning; and from 30 minutes past 12 at noon till 15 minutes past 3 in the afternoon.
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th: From 2 till 3 in the morning, and from 15 minutes past 12 at noon till 3 in the afternoon.
16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, and 22nd. From 15 minutes before 2 till 15 minutes before 3 in the morning, and from 12 at noon till 15 minutes before 3 in the afternoon.
23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th: From 15 minutes past 1 till 15 minutes past 2 in the morning; and from 30 minutes past 11 in the forenoon till 15 minutes past 2 in the afternoon.
June 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th: From 15 minutes past 10 in the morning till 1 in the afternoon: and from 15 minutes past 12 at night til 15 minutes past 1 the next morning.
11th: From 15 minutes past 10 in the morning till 15 minutes before 1 in the afternoon; and from 12 at night till 1 the next morning.
20th: From 30 minutes past 9 in the morning till 12 at noon; and from 11 till 12 at night.
25th. From 15 minutes past 9 in the morning till 15 minutes past 12 at noon; and from 11 till 12 at night.
July 5th. From 15 minutes before 8 till 15 minutes past 10 in the morning, and from 15 minutes before 10 till 15 minutes before 11 at night.
9th: From 15 minutes past 8 till 11 in the morning; and from 15 minutes past 10 until 11 at night.
19th: From 30 minutes past 7 till 10 in the morning; and from 15 minutes past 9 till 15 minutes past 10 at night.
24th. From 7 till 15 minutes before 10 in the morning: and from 9 till 10 at night.
August 2nd and 3rd. From 30 minutes past 6 till 15 minutes before 9 in the morning; and from 30 minutes past 8 till 30 minutes past 9 at night.
6th. From 15 minutes before 5 till 9 in the morning and from 30 minutes past 7 till 30 minutes past 8 at night.
22nd: From 15 minutes past 5 till 8 in the morning; and from 15 minutes past 7 till 15 minutes past 8 at night.
September 1st: From 4 till 15 minutes before 7 in the morning; and 6 till 7 in the evening.
5th: From 30 minutes past 4 till 15 minutes before 7 in the morning; and from 30 minutes past 6 till 30 minutes past 7 in the evening.
14th: From 15 minutes before 4 till 30 minutes past 6 in the morning; and from 30 minutes past 5 till 30 minutes past 6 in the evening.
29th. From 15 minutes before 3 till 30 minutes past 5 in the morning, and from 30 minutes past 4 till 30 minutes past 5 in the evening.
October 3rd: From 3 till 15 minutes before 6 in the morning; and from 15 minutes before 5 till 15 minutes before 6 In the evening.
12th. From 15 minutes past 3 till 5 in the morning; and from 15 minutes before 4 till 30 minutes past 4 in the afternoon.
18th and 19th: From 30 minutes past 1 till 4 in the morning, and from 15 minutes before 3 till 39 minutes past 4 in the afternoon.
November 10th and 11th. From 30 minutes past 12 at night till 15 minutes past 3 in the morning, and from 30 minutes past 1 till 30 minutes past 2 in the afternoon.
15th and 16th: From 12 at night till 15 minutes before 3 in the morning; and from 15 minutes past 1 till 2 in the afternoon.
29th and 30th: From 15 minutes past 11 at night till 2 in the morning; and from 1 till 15 minutes before 2 in the afternoon.
December 8th and 9th. From 15 minutes past 10 at night till 1 in the morning, and from 30 minutes past 12 at noon till 30 minutes past 1 in the afternoon.
14th. 15th, and 16th: From 10 at night till 15 minutes before 11 in the morning; and from 15 minutes before 12 till 30 minutes past 12 at noon.
23rd and 24th. From 15 minutes past 11 til 12 at noon; and from 15 minutes past 9 till 12 at night.
28th. From 15 minutes past 10 till 11 in the morning, and from 9 till 15 minutes before 12 at night.
We do not presume to assert that every person born on the last-mentioned times, will be exempt from all descriptions of trouble during the whole of their lives, but that they will never (in spite of whatever may happen to befall them) sink below mediocrity. Even servants and those born of poor parents will possess some superior qualities; get into good company, much noticed by their superiors. And will, in spite of any intervening difficulties, establish themselves in the world and rise much above their sphere of birth.
It has often been recorded, and though a singular observation experience has shown it to be a true one, that some event of importance is sure to happen to a woman in her thirty first year, whether single or married; it may prove for her good, or it may be some great evil or temptation; therefore we advise her to be cautious and circumspect in all her actions. If she is a maiden or Widow, it is probable she will marry this year. If a wife that she will lose her children or her husband. She will either receive riches or travel into a foreign land; at all events, some circumstance or other will take place during this remarkable year of her life, that will have great effect on her future fortunes and existence.
The like is applicable to men in their forty-second year, of which so many instances have been proved that there is not a doubt of its truth: Observe always to take a lease for an odd number of years; even are not prosperous- The three first days of the moon are the best for signing papers, and the first five days as well as the twenty fourth for any fresh undertaking. But we cannot but allow that a great deal depends on our own industry and perseverance, and by strictly discharging our duty to God and man, we may often overcome the malign influence of a bad planet, or a day marked as unlucky in the book of fate.