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Foreword by George Couros

Finding your voice

1. A snapshot of student ownership and a teacher who changed the world

2. Chapter 2: Our job as teachers, parents, and leaders is not to prepare kids for “something;” our job is to help kids prepare themselves for “anything.”

3. Chapter 3: Empowering students means giving kids the knowledge and skills to pursue THEIR passions, interests, and future.

4. Chapter 4: Student choice is the heartbeat of ownership and empowerment.

5. Chapter 5: It’s not about giving them a roadmap for learning. It’s about helping them create their own maps.

6. Chapter 6: Student ownership is a mindset.

7. Chapter 7: Every student is a maker.

8. Chapter 8: Assessment should be fun. No, really, we’re serious.

9. Chapter 9: Our learning stories must include failing, not failure, and there is a big difference between the two.

10. Chapter 10: The system should fit the student instead of the student fitting the system.

11. Chapter 11: Stories are empowering if we own them.

12. Chapter 12: The starting point for empowering your students

13. Notes

About the Authors


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