Читать книгу The Texan's Surprise Return - Jolene Navarro - Страница 10


Dear Reader,

Welcome back to the Diamondback Ranch. In The Texan’s Secret Daughter, I had another secret. I couldn’t wait to tell you that Selena’s husband was alive. I couldn’t wait to get Xavier on the page. I knew it would be a tough journey.

Winning back someone’s love and trust is not easy and it shouldn’t be, but with God, Selena and Xavier were able to reclaim the lives He had meant for them.

Then there were the triplets. I had so much fun doing research into the lives of two-year-old triplets. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did.

On a serious note, I want to acknowledge the work that inspired Xavier’s career choices.

The heartbreaking truth is the work Xavier does is very real and needed. It was inspired by a group called Operation Underground Railroad led by Tim Ballard. With the work groups like this do around the world, children are finding liberation.

Thank you for visiting my fictional coastal town of Port Del Mar (Port by the Sea). This is the second book in the Cowboys of Diamondback Ranch. If you missed the first, you can read Elijah and Jazmine’s story in The Texan’s Secret Daughter.

Many blessings,

Jolene Navarro

The Texan's Surprise Return

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