Читать книгу Texas Daddy - Jolene Navarro - Страница 14


Chapter Four

Nikki pushed the stationary bike into double time. She had convinced the new coach to let her in early. By the time the therapist arrived, Nikki had already broken a sweat. When she introduced herself as Teresa Ortega, Nikki hoped she concealed her shock. The Teresa Ortega she remembered couldn’t be old enough to have this kind of responsibility. She was one of the younger Ortegas of the huge Ortega clan. One thing she did know: all of them were good people.

After a quick assessment and a short lecture about the percentage of reinjuries if she didn’t follow protocol, Teresa left her alone to work out.

Wanting to avoid everyone, Nikki had stayed away from town. Adrian said it would take him a week or two to get the quote together, but he needed to take measurements and check out the condition of the existing structure. He would not actually be working, so she convinced her dad she could use the time to rest at home. If she spoke the truth, she would call it by its right name: hiding.

Unfortunately, there were two things she couldn’t avoid. The first being her sisters. They thought their mission was to cheer her up and keep her company.

The concept that she wanted to be in a bad mood and did not want to talk to anyone went over their heads. They came anyway, including her sister’s six-year-old twin daughters.

Second, she had to come to physical therapy. If she wanted the doctor to sign off on her recovery and get back to her real life, she’d have to focus and get it done.

She made plans to show up early, and if she kept her head down, maybe she could get out before Adrian and his daughter saw her.

Her father might have been the third, but he seemed to be doing a great job of avoiding her. The hurt in his eyes whenever they happened to be in the same room was too heavy for either one of them to handle.

Like the good Bergmanns they were, they didn’t talk about something that might turn into a fight. They kept it to themselves. But the burn in her gut told her that strategy was not working.

“Ms. Bergmann!” Mia rushed to her with strong swings of her crutches.

“Mia, careful.” Adrian followed at a more leisurely pace, his hand in the front pocket of his jeans. The whites of his eyes had more red than white in them. He looked as if he’d had a rough night. He glanced down at her new shiny knee brace. “How’s the knee? Any permanent damage?”

She pulled her ponytail tighter. Her stupid heart jumped when she saw him. Even tired and haggard, he was the best-looking man she knew. “No, but I got a lecture on how fortunate I am to escape another surgery.” She stared straight ahead at the large window that covered the wall. It was easier to pretend to focus on the view of the football field as she pumped along on the stationary bike than to look at Adrian. “Party too hard?” She was so lame.

“He was up all night with me. My leg was hurting really bad, and then he had a bunch of two-year-old horses with attitudes, and then he had to take me to the doctor, but not until he—”

“Mia, that’s enough.” He pulled his daughter close. “We’re interrupting her workout.”

“No. I’m fine.” If she could, she would have hit herself on the head. Adrian gave her an excuse to ignore them, but she had to be all agreeable.

Mia moved closer. “They say I might need another surgery.” For a moment, concern flashed in the eyes of both father and daughter. “Hope I get to ride the bike today. It looks fun.” And just like that, the sunshine smile was back on the adorable face.

The trainer walked in and saved Nikki from thinking of something appropriate to say. She watched in the mirrors that sat at an angle above the windows as Adrian shook hands with the petite brunette.

“Hi, Teresa.”

“So, is Mia ready for the next step?” She gave the girl an encouraging look. “It won’t be easy.”

“I’m ready to do whatever it takes to get back on my horse. I want to ride in the July Jubilee.”

Adrian’s jaw muscles flexed and a glare sat hard in his eyes. “We’ve talked about this. You will not be riding in the rodeo. It doesn’t matter what the doctor says. I’m your father, and I own that horse.”

The sweet face of the ten-year-old suddenly held the same determined glare as her father’s. Nikki couldn’t help but smile. Adrian might not know it yet, but he was about to have his hands full with a preteen girl who wanted her horse back.

Texas Daddy

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