Читать книгу Mennonites in the World War: Non-Resistance Under Test - Jonas Smucker Hartzler - Страница 26

Mennonites and Tories


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At the time of the Revolution there was a class of people living in the various colonies Which sympathized with the British, called "Tories." They naturally opposed the war. Others, among them Amish and Mennonites, were also opposed to it, but were not at all in symlpathy with the actions of the Tories. Many of the colonists >could not under stand how any one could be opposed to what they were doing and not be in sympathy with the enemy. The Tories felt sure that these nonresistants were helping the colonists, and that their opposition to the war was simply a means of hiding their true position. This meant persecution from both sides, as is shown in the report of the Committee of Inspection and Observation, just given.

Mennonites in the World War: Non-Resistance Under Test

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