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CHAPTER 2 What can I do for you?

Now, perhaps you are starting to feel disappointed. After all, it must be clear that if even God can’t guarantee you an instant million, your guardian angel stands no chance of organising such a development. But this lottery-winning thing is tricky.

You want to win the lottery. So does every other person who has purchased a ticket. You have asked for my help in this. They, too, have beseeched their guardian angels to do the same. So what do you think happens in the invisible realm, when those numbers come rolling out of the machine? Hundreds and thousands of guardian angels find themselves caught up in that black hole of cosmic conflict. They all have the power to influence the outcome - their power is equal, but they are all trying to influence it in different ways. The upshot is a kind of mass paralysis.

You are right, though. Somebody still has to win it. So, what then, if not a guardian angel, determines who that somebody is? In all honesty, I’m still trying to work it out. It’s one of the things I ponder over while I’m sleeping, in between carrying out your requests. What I can tell you is this. Play the lottery if you want to. Don’t if you don’t. If, though, you are looking for ways to engage the help of your guardian angel and improve your lot in life, try understanding more about how your angel is best able to help you.

Let’s go back to that Koh-I-Noor diamond for a moment. If, instead of requesting the Koh-I-Noor itself, you ask for ‘a diamond that’s rather like the Koh-I-Noor’, you slightly increase your chance of getting one because you are placing less of a limit on what your guardian angel has to do for you.

If you can be even more flexible and request ‘the wherewithal to attain a diamond’, you are definitely helping me to help you. I will always do what I can on your behalf, but I need you to put in some effort, too.

So, even better than, ‘Hey, guardian angel, please fetch me what I require,’ is, ‘Hey, guardian angel…I’ve got a plan that might gradually put me in a position where I could afford a nice big diamond. Could you work with me to ensure that each step I take, along the road to carrying out this plan, is as smooth and successful as possible?’

Now, that’s the kind of question I like to be asked. I can, indeed, help you out there.

Nevertheless, I can only ever get you what’s attainable and if it can’t be had, I can’t get it for you. If there is only a remote chance of it happening, I have a very remote chance of helping to make it happen. And, of course, if it is relatively easy to get, it’s no problem for me to come through with the goods for you. That probably sounds blindingly obvious, but if you really think about it, it is not so simple. From my angelic perspective, I can often identify opportunities to which you are oblivious. Often, too, I can see that some of the things you ask me for are things that you are entirely able to attain on your own.

Imagine a scale - a sort of temperature gauge with numbers climbing higher as you go along. Down at one end, you’ve got cornflakes. Up at the other, you’ve got first prize in a multimillion-pound lottery. You really don’t need my help to get you breakfast, although you are perfectly welcome to ask for it, of course - I have already explained that I never object to being called upon. But unless you have just spent a night out in the wilderness, miles from anywhere, and you have woken up to realise that there is no way of finding any food, you don’t want to sit around trying to summon me, when you can just walk over to the cupboard!

We’ve already dealt with the lottery so we won’t go there again, but somewhere in between those two extremes are some other highly desirable but extremely unlikely aspirations and wishes. The question is how unlikely are they? The answer is, more often that not, they are more feasible than you might think. As it happens, I’m very good at reaching for things that seem impossible to you, but which are actually very easy, once you know how.

You might think, for example, ‘Oh, I’ll never get the really great job that I’ve been dreaming of.’ Or, ‘I’d love to live in a particular kind of house.’ You can look around and see no way to make this happen. But I’ve got an advantage over you. I am excarnate. I don’t live in a body. That makes me a bit like one of those superheroes in the comic books. I can zoom around the whole world in the time it takes to flick a light switch. I can see through walls, I can read minds, I can sense, instinctively, where hidden secrets are to be found. So I can go out looking on your behalf. Very often, I can find exactly what you want and see a clear way to help you get it. Then, all I have to do is wait until you ask me for my guidance.

Ahem…Thankfully, I’m blessed with great patience.

There are times when, if I wasn’t a cosmic being with deep wisdom and infinite understanding, I could get incredibly frustrated. You call me up, you tell me what you want, I line up the whole thing beautifully for you, and then we run into an all-too-familiar problem.

No matter how many hints I try to drop, you just won’t hear them. No matter how many signs and signals I send you, you pay them no heed. You cook up some scheme of your own that you think is absolutely brilliant and then you think, ‘That’s fine. I don’t need my guardian angel’s help any more. I have seen my solution and all I have to do is apply it.’ Meanwhile, I’m sitting and watching. I can see the flaw in your plan. I can’t tell you about it, though, because you are no longer in ‘angel consultation mode’. So I just have to wait until it all goes horribly wrong and you finally come back to me and say, ‘Help!’ once more. Then, I have to hope that whatever I had lined up is still feasible.

Usually, it’s too late by then and so I have to set up a brand new opportunity. I don’t mind this, of course, because I’m highly enlightened and endlessly sanguine. I don’t even mind it when you blame me for the fact that things haven’t worked out as you hoped they would. When you ask questions such as, ‘Why did you lead me down such a crazy road?’ I don’t feel the need to reply, ‘I didn’t lead you there. You set off without me and did the whole thing by your self.’ Really, it’s no problem to me. I’m your guardian angel. I’m here to serve. Always here.

all you have to do is become a bit more receptive

Sometimes, though, if I am honest, I wish you’d talk to me more often. Even more crucially, I wish you’d trust me and listen to me. We could achieve so much together, you and I, if only we had a slightly deeper, more meaningful relationship. I could show you so much. I could work with you so successfully. We could make a brilliant team. You want more money? I could show you how to make it. You want less stress? Boy, could I be useful to you. You would like your love life to be more fulfilling? I could give you so many helpful clues and pointers. You would like the right things to happen in the right way at the right time? I could steer you in the direction of some truly tremendous coincidences. All you have to do is become a bit more receptive.

Cosmic Ordering: How to make your dreams come true

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