Читать книгу Broad-Based BEE - Jonathan Goldberg - Страница 20



The debate around broad-based BEE, particularly from an ownership and management perspective, is emotionally charged, and the solution is not simply a matter of “colouring in by numbers”. Fronting, window dressing and certain special-purpose vehicles created to profit opportunistic “predators” through smoke-and-mirror empowerment schemes have been strongly criticised for, inter alia, creating unsustainable token empowerment entities. The incentive for phantom BEE credentials might return due to the emphasis on Ownership in the Amended Codes.

The broad-based distribution of BEE Scorecard points substantially addresses the problem of phantom or fronting broad-based BEE ownership and management schemes. The Scorecard points are dispersed over a number of Elements to encourage transformation over a broad spectrum of business stakeholders. Only time will tell whether these Amended Codes are going to achieve the governments transformation agenda. Only time will tell whether the resilience, dogged determination, boldness, creativity and enthusiasm for broad-based BEE from business leaders will continue into the future now that the Amended Codes have raised the compliance targets significantly and placed so much emphasis on black ownership.

Broad-Based BEE

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