Читать книгу Auschwitz, Poland, and the Politics of Commemoration, 1945–1979 - Jonathan Huener - Страница 8




Map 1. Auschwitz environs, summer 1944

Map 2. Auschwitz I Camp, 1944

Map 3. Auschwitz II (Birkenau) Camp, summer 1944


1. The main gate of the base camp, Auschwitz I, spring 1945

2. The main street of Auschwitz I, looking east, spring 1945

3. Birkenau, the road between sectors BI and BII, spring 1945

4. Birkenau, human remains near Crematorium V, spring 1945

5. Birkenau, members of the Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes at Auschwitz

6. Auschwitz I, roof of Crematorium I, May 1945

7. The first exhibition at the State Museum at Auschwitz, in the cellar of Block 4 of Auschwitz I

8. A crowd gathered in Auschwitz I for the dedication ceremonies of the State Museum, 14 June 1947

9. Józef Cyrankiewicz speaking at the museum’s dedication ceremonies, 14 June 1947

10. A Roman Catholic mass held in the courtyard between Blocks 10 and 11 of Auschwitz I, 14 June 1947

11. Birkenau, members of the museum’s protective guard at the ruins of a crematorium, 1948

12. Birkenau, sector BIIe, former prisoners and members of the museum staff on a break from searching for evidence, 1949

13. An exhibition hall displaying prostheses, from the early 1950s

14. Suitcases on display in the museum, from a pre-1955 exhibit

15. A view of a section of the “Jewish Hall” of a pre-1955 exhibition

16. A memorial in the cellar of Block 4, Auschwitz I, from a pre-1955 exhibition

17–19. Three exhibition panels from the era of Polish Stalinism

20. Birkenau, monument to the victims of Auschwitz between the ruins of Crematoria II and III, April 1955

21. A plaster model of Gas Chamber and Crematorium II, from the 1955 exhibition

22. Women’s hair on display in Block 4 of Auschwitz I, from the 1955 exhibition

23. Auschwitz I, Block 7: A reconstruction of a masonry barracks in the Birkenau Women’s Camp, from the 1955 exhibition

24. A room in the “New Laundry” emphasizing international cooperation, from the 1955 exhibition

25. Participants in a motorcycle rally that included a ceremonial visit to Auschwitz and Birkenau

26. On the twentieth anniversary of the liberation, a scout and a former prisoner standing at attention next to the “Wall of Death” in the courtyard of Block 11

27. A crowd at Birkenau for the unveiling of the Monument to the Victims of Fascism, April 1967

28. The Monument to the Victims of Fascism in Birkenau, April 1967

29. Inscription at the entrance to the 1968 exhibition on the “Martyrology and Struggle of the Jews”

30. Panels from the 1968 exhibition on the “Martyrology and Struggle of the Jews”

31. The final room in the 1968 exhibit on the “Martyrology and Struggle of the Jews”

32. Pope John Paul II receiving former prisoners at the papal mass at Birkenau, 7 June 1979

33. The former Theatergebäude and former Carmelite Convent at Auschwitz I

34. Aerial photograph of Auschwitz I, 1996

35. Aerial photograph of Birkenau, 1996

Auschwitz, Poland, and the Politics of Commemoration, 1945–1979

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