Читать книгу As by Fire - Jonathan Jansen - Страница 7

Abbreviations and acronyms


ANC African National Congress

BFLF Black First Land First

CHE Council on Higher Education

CPUT Cape Peninsula University of Technology

DA Democratic Alliance

DASO Democratic Alliance Student Organisation

DHET Department of Higher Education and Training

DUT Durban University of Technology

EFF Economic Freedom Fighters

FMF #FeesMustFall

IFP Inkatha Freedom Party

LGBT lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender

LGBTQI lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and intersex

NDP National Development Plan

NEHAWU National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union

NGO non-governmental organisation

NMMU Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

NSC National Senior Certificate

NSFAS National Student Financial Aid Scheme

NUSAS National Union of South African Students

NWU North-West University

PAC Pan Africanist Congress

PASMA Pan Africanist Student Movement of Azania

RMF #RhodesMustFall

SACP South African Communist Party

SADC Southern African Development Community

SADESMO South African Democratic Students Movement

SALDRU Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit

SASCO South African Students Congress

SASO South African Students Organisation

SRC Student Representative Council

SU Stellenbosch University

TRC Truth and Reconciliation Commission

TUT Tshwane University of Technology

TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training

UCT University of Cape Town

UFS University of the Free State

UJ University of Johannesburg

UKZN University of KwaZulu-Natal

UNISA University of South Africa

UP University of Pretoria

USAf Universities South Africa

UWC University of the Western Cape

WITS University of the Witwatersrand

WSU Walter Sisulu University

As by Fire

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