Читать книгу The Seasons of Little Wolf - Jonathan London - Страница 4


It’s spring in the northern forests.

White Wolf digs a den

deserted long ago

by foxes or wolverines.

It is time. She is ready.

As White Wolf curls up in her dark home,

Gray Wolf, her mate, stands guard outside.

In the morning,

four blind and fuzzy pups

nuzzle, hungry for life …

and Gray Wolf howls his song of celebration.

At two weeks old, Little Wolf

opens his deep blue eyes.

He can see!

Hungry, he fills his belly

on mother’s milk …

then bumbles outside

for the very first time.

And three fat little bundles of fur

waddle after him.

It’s time to play!

Wolf tag …

tug-of-war …

and hide-and-seek!

Little Wolf tumbles with Little Sister

and their brothers

among the stones and wildflowers …

then climbs to the top.

King of the Mountain!

The Seasons of Little Wolf

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