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Rejoicing over 100 years of blues: The shifting shape of the genre


Now roughly 100 years old, American blues has become timeless music, and its success over the past half century can be attributed in part to those blues-rock musicians who’ve kept the blues’ torch burning and brought successive generations into clubs, concert halls, and record stores.

The blues remains so relevant and compelling because its songs are about honest, human feelings. Or maybe it’s because the blues captures the human condition in a way that slick pop music or digital electronica can’t. Blues is the music of real people, real lives, and real life lessons.

As to why the blues-rock age saw the worshipping of so many rock gods, it seems that the blues was custom-made for six strings, so any development in guitar technology, guitar styles, and creative guitarists themselves naturally include the blues. While bawdy singers front many a blues band, you’d be hard pressed to find a blues group without a guitar player to lend the sense of credibility, history, and heart that the blues demands. The guitar captures the nuances of blues soul in a way no other instrument can. Blues is simply the perfect guitar music.

The newer generation (born after 1970) is out there and coming into its own, too. I cover many of the most recognizable names in Chapters 12 and 13. To see such young players working so hard at mastering the craft, studying the history, and paying homage and respect to their blues elders encourages me that the blues is flourishing safely in the hands of the next generation.

Blues Guitar For Dummies

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