Читать книгу Blues Guitar For Dummies - Jon Chappell - Страница 28
Expanding and filling your brain with know-how
ОглавлениеBesides having a guitar and a copy of Blues Guitar For Dummies, you can take several other key actions to help you become a better blues player.
Groove to some tunes. Listening to the blues is about the best thing you can do with your time when you’re not practicing the guitar, so start expanding your blues library with CDs and mp3s of classic blues recordings. Listen to the blues not only as a casual observer but also as a musician. Listen to the chord changes and how the guitarist strums. Take note of licks or lead passages that are memorable. You may be able to use them in your own playing. (This is perfectly legal in blues.)
Get your nose in a book. Read as much as you can in books and articles about the blues so you can sort out the history and discover the great artists who practiced this noble art. Knowing the different periods of the blues and the influences help in your appreciation. You can also check out Chapters 11, 12, 13, and 19 in this book. I cover a bit of history and the people who influenced blues guitar.
Rock out in your garage. No matter how many records you listen to and books you read, you can’t replace human interaction as a vital component in your blues education. Invite some guitar-playing friends over for a few jam sessions in your garage or basement (or wherever the noise may be the least annoying to those around you). Pairing yourself with one or two strong players can help make you a better guitarist because you’re going to try to keep up with your friends.
Seek help. Having a teacher is important because he (or she) can focus in on your particular weaknesses and bad habits and help bring those aspects of your musicianship up to snuff with your strengths. A teacher also guides you in your particular chosen style, recommending appropriate exercises and listening examples and providing an organized lesson plan on how to bring you closer to your goal. An experienced teacher or player can often help you pick out your first guitar and other gear purchases, too. Check out Chapter 14 for more info on buying guitars.