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14 Pair of letters, handwritten, February 1967


That’s so sad what you told me about your Auntie Julia. I told my friend Ruth about it and she said her Gran went like that too, but she was much older which makes it almost not so bad. I hope it’s not upsetting your mam too badly. It’s funny saying that when I’ve never met her, but you’ve told me so much about her that I feel like I know her somehow. Sometimes I feel like I know her better than my own mam.

There’s something strange about my mam at the moment though (more strange then normal I mean!). I think she’s upset about something, or worried, but Da won’t tell me what’s wrong. She’s barely speaking to either of us, or going out the house, and I think I maybe heard her crying last night. She was like this sometimes when I was a wee girl, she used to blame me for it then. She said I’d tired her out completely and she needed a rest. I’m sure she’ll be better soon but it’s funny seeing her like it again – it seems like such a long time since it happened before. I wonder if she thinks it’s my fault again, I don’t see how she can when I’m hardly ever in the house. Me and Ruth stayed out until almost eleven o’clock last night! We weren’t doing anything, just sitting in town and talking and walking about, but it was great to be out like that. I almost caught it when I got home, and Da said I was lucky Mam was away in bed already and not to do it again. Ruth was looking at boys all evening but I told her I had no need.

So Many Ways to Begin

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