Читать книгу A City of Professions - Jordi Ludevid Anglada - Страница 9


Filling a Gap

There are hardly any studies on the history, nature and function of the professions, despite the fact that the subject is of the utmost theoretical and practical importance. The professions are, from a private perspective, the way most people earn their living; and from a public perspective, the system of professions is what shapes a modern and prosperous country. This gap is brilliantly filled by Jordi Ludevid’s book, which is particularly welcome for this reason. It is also on target in presenting its subject in the sphere that is most appropriate to it, the municipal sphere, hence the title A City of Professions. Moreover, it does not limit itself to an isolated presentation of the subject matter but links it to another issue that is of the utmost interest, the citizenry. Because the members of a community must aspire to be citizens as well as professionals: professionals who carry out a trade, in which they provide a service and receive remuneration and, at the same time, or even before that, citizens who are aware of their dignity, which is priceless. And this book does not merely lay the groundwork for a definition the professional fact and its characteristics; by connecting professional activity with the duties of citizenship, it creates the context for a civic vision of the professions.

Javier Gomá


Director of the Juan March Foundation

A City of Professions

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