Читать книгу Hills of Eden - Jory OSB Sherman - Страница 6

The Coming of Spring


Some days here, you can sense the coming of spring to these Ozarks hills. There is the urgency of the morning tapping at your mind with the insistence of crickets. There is the dawn itself, with its ruddy cheeks, its promise of a long day’s sun. This special dawn is more confident, healthier, stronger, livelier than it was during the long winter.

The morning, on these sweet Ozarks days, shrugs its shoulders like a young child. You can feel the warm smile of the day on your face when you open the door. April rushes up to you on a girl’s silver skates and sprays you with a splash of icy breeze delicate as a silken shawl. A deep breath tastes of cedar and redbuds and dogwood blossoms. The lake breeze is fresh, bright as sleek trout moving in shallow creek waters.

A once-dry creek bed fills with snow melt, breaks through a deep hollow, wends its way along the thawed ground seeking life and the mingling with the big lake that was once a mighty river. The bluffs, still frigid with ice and secrets, catch the warming sun, reluctantly shed their long ermine beards, become shawls of dripping waterfalls. You can hear the water’s ancient song long into the night.

Spring in the Ozarks is fickle, relentless, full of surprises. It brings out the raccoons, the opossums, the brown robber birds. Gray squirrels skitter down the oak trees with flaring paramecium tails and chittery voices. The air soars across the newborn land, full of promises and pleasant whispers.

This is the way Spring is for me here. This is the way it moves in and heads for summer. This is the way it sings its green songs, weaves its gold sun threads during its time of birthing. It is awesome in its quietness, splendid in its muscling youth. You can’t help but feel the continuity of the universe, the perfect rhythms beneath the seeming chaos, the symmetry of life itself.

A man doesn’t need much more than this.

Spring in the Ozarks is fickle, relentless, full of surprises.

A deep breath tastes of cedar and redbuds and dogwood blossoms

Hills of Eden

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