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At the Whitmer Home


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When they arrived in Fayette, they found Mr. Peter Whitmer, father of David, ready to receive them and anxious to know more concerning the work, Joseph and Oliver received their board free at the Whitmer home, and other timely assistance was also given them by members of the Whitmer family. David, John and Peter Whitmer, Jr., became very zealous in the work. The Lord spoke to each of them by revelation, calling them to cry repentance to their generation. The people of Seneca County, in which Fayette was situated, were friendly, and many houses were opened by those desiring to know more of the Prophet’s message. Many were convinced and showed a willingness to obey the Gospel. Hyrum Smith, who had come to Fayette, David Whitmer and Peter Whitmer, Jr., were baptized, the first by the Prophet and the others by Oliver Cowdery. Samuel H. Smith, younger brother of the Prophet, had been baptized while the Prophet and Oliver were in Harmony, Pennsylvania. He was the third person baptized in this dispensation, receiving the remission of his sins on the twenty-fifth day of May, 1829, just ten days after the appearing of John the Baptist; Oliver Cowdery baptizing him. Samuel had accompanied Oliver from Manchester to Harmony early in April when Oliver came to inquire concerning the Prophet and the record he claimed to have, and remained with his brother Joseph during the spring. Samuel Smith had not taken to the Prophet’s story as readily as other members of the family, and was rather hard to convince that Joseph and Oliver had been ordained and baptized. After much inquiry and explanation by Joseph and Oliver, Samuel retired alone to the woods, and in secret prayer obtained a revelation for himself. Now convinced, he was anxious to be baptized and to engage in the work of establishing “the cause of Zion.”

Essentials in Church History

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