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Prediction of Asael Smith


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In the spring of 1791 he moved from Topsfield to Tunbridge, Vermont, where he made his home for several years. As old age came on and his health became impaired he removed to Stockholm, St. Lawrence County, New York, and made his home with his son Silas. Here he died, October 31, 1830, at the advanced age of more than 86 years. In stature he was tall, his body was well proportioned and possessed of unusual strength. At times the spirit of inspiration rested upon him. One one occasion he said: “It has been borne in upon my soul that one of my descendants will promulgate a work to revolutionize the world of religious faith.” Perhaps he did not expect to live to see that day, but such proved to be the case. The first summer after the organization of the Church, his son Joseph and grandson Don Carlos Smith paid him a visit and presented him with a copy of the Book of Mormon. At the time he was in feeble health, but he diligently read the book, or most of it, and said he was convinced that the work of his grandson, Joseph Smith, was of divine origin. He was not baptized, due to his weakened physical condition, and died shortly after this visit. His wife, Mary Duty Smith, later moved to Kirtland where she died in 1836, firm in the faith of the restored Gospel.

Essentials in Church History

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