Читать книгу Origin of the 'Reorganized' Church and the Question of Succession - Joseph Fielding Smith - Страница 9
ОглавлениеIn this alleged revelation we have this man teaching lineal Priesthood or the right of succession from father to son. We also have him teaching the literal gathering to Zion of the honest in heart. We will now see what his reasons were for withdrawing from the "Reorganized" Church. We find on pages 248-249 of volume 33 of the Saints' Herald that the reasons why this man withdrew from the "Reorganization" with the family of Zenas H. Gurley, were as follows:
That he could not believe in:
(1) "The literal gathering of the Church into Jackson and the adjoining counties in the state of Missouri (or any one or more places) known as a local Zion."
(2) "Temple building and ceremonial endowments therein."
(3) "Baptism for the dead."
(4) "Tithing as a law applicable to the Church."
(5) "The law of consecration by which individuals are made legal heirs to the Kingdom of Zion."
(6) "A sole mouthpiece of God to the Church."
(7) "The plenary inspiration of and consequent absolute authority of what are called the sacred books."
(8) "The doctrine of 'cursing our enemies,' and of 'avenging God upon them to the third and fourth generations.'"
(9) "To the foregoing may be added the revelation of January 19, 1841, section 107 D. & C., (124 our edition), which enjoins upon the Church the building of a hotel, called the 'Lord's boarding-house,' for Joseph Smith and posterity to dwell in from generation to generation, as also the promise contained therein, viz: 'And as I said unto Abraham concerning the kindreds of the earth, even so I say to my servant Joseph, in thee and thy seed shall the kindreds of the earth be blessed."
"This coupled with the provisions in section 43, that 'none else should or could receive revelation for the Church' and the provision of section 19, that the Church shall receive Joseph's words and commands the same as if from God's own mouth,—establish in our judgment a lineal descent of authority, equivalent to an imperial dynasty, which is foreign to the spirit and genius of the Gospel of Christ."
This communication was dated March 28, 1886, and was signed by Jason W. Briggs, (president of their apostles); Zenas H. Gurley, (a member of that quorum); Gracie Gurley, Margaret Gurley, Edwin H. Gurley, Mida Gurley.
We see that this Mr. Briggs repudiated the fundamental portions of his alleged revelation. In the "revelation" he teaches the gathering, but here he says he does not believe in the gathering, either to Jackson county or to any other place to be known as a local Zion. In his "revelation" he teaches lineal Priesthood, but when he withdraws from the church one reason was that he could not believe in "a sole mouth-piece of God to the Church," and in an "imperial dynasty," which he erroneously thought was taught in the revelation. Thus he repudiates his "revelation," denies the divine mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and repudiates the standard works of the Church.[7] Unstable to the last, this man would not rest content in this organization which he was such a potent instrument in bringing into existence.[8]
There is another thing in his so-called "revelation" that is interesting. He declares that the Lord would raise up one of the seed of Joseph Smith who would be mighty and strong. Now, evidently this refers to Joseph Smith, president of that organization. Joseph Smith of the "Reorganized" Church declares that he is not the one mighty and strong and the "Reorganized" Church has backed him up by resolution in that conclusion.[9]