Читать книгу The Story of the Pullman Car - Joseph Husband - Страница 3



Table of Contents

George Mortimer Pullman Frontispiece
One of the earliest types of American passenger car 8
First locomotive built for actual service in America 9
Early passenger cars 11
American "Bogie" car in use in 1835 12
Cars and locomotive of 1845 14
Car in use in 1844 20
Car of 1831 21
Midnight in the old coaches 23
"Convenience of the new sleeping cars" 24
Early type of sleeping car 28
J. L. Barnes, first Pullman car conductor 32
One of the first cars built by George M. Pullman 42
The car in the daytime 42
Making up the berths 42
George M. Pullman explaining details of car construction 46
One of the first Pullman cars in which meals were served 52
The first parlor car, 1875 58
Interior of Pullman car of 1880 64
The rococo period car 68
More ornate interiors 74
The latest Pullman parlor car 76
First step in building the car 84
Fitting the car for steam and electricity 90
Work on steel plates for inside panels 90
Preparing the steel frame for an upper section 94
Sand blasting brass trimmings 94
Machine section, steel erecting shop 100
Fitting up the steel car underframe 100
Making cushions for the seats 104
Making chairs for parlor cars 104
Making frame end posts 106
Assembling steel car partitions 106
The vestibule in its earliest form 108
Axle generator for electric lighting 110
The sewing room, upholstering department 114
Forming steel parts for interior finish 118
Forming steel shapes for interior framing 118
Punching holes for screws 124
Shaping steel panelling 124
Riveting the underframe 126
Steel end posts in position 126
Type of early truck 128
Modern cast-steel truck 128
Ready for the interior fittings 130
Interior work 130
Pullman sleeping car, latest design 134
Front end of a private car dining room 136
Rear end of a private car dining room 136
Robert T. Lincoln, ex-President 138
Bedroom of a private car 142
Observation section of a private car 142
Modern Pullman steel sleeping car ready for the night 146
Modern Pullman steel sleeping car during the day 146
Cleaning and disinfecting the Pullman car 152
John S. Runnells, President 156


The Story of the Pullman Car

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