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What do love, loss, heartache and friendship have to do with prayer? Keep reading and you will discover how all of these things tie together in one woman’s intriguing story. You won’t want to put this book down until you’re finished reading the entire story.

A few years ago my pastor decided to have a 24 hour prayer chain that would begin 28 days before Easter and end at midnight on the Saturday night before Easter. Instead of asking members of my congregation for their prayer requests, I decided to send an email to friends and family around the country to ask if they had any needs that they would like me to pray for during the 28 days of the 24 hour prayer chain. I was excited and overwhelmed by the results.

Although I asked out of concern, I honestly did not think that I would be taken up on my offer. However, every person emailed a request back to me which I prayed for during that time and continue to pray for today. The requests ranged from prayer for relationships, foreclosure situations, children, comfort, finances, increased faith, illness, guidance and increased business/employment. One prayer request led to regular correspondence, a deepening friendship and a life changing transformation.

We do not always know what we are asking for when we make a request, rather we do not know what we are going to get. However, one thing is for sure – prayer changes things! Read this account of personal emails to witness how a prayer request changed a woman’s life. It was not as simple as “naming it and claiming it.” Sometimes we have to go through something to get what we want.

This book is based on real life events. Some names and other identifying information have been changed to protect the identities and privacy of those involved.

“weeping may endure for a night,

but joy cometh in the morning.”

Psalms 30:5b (KJV)

Chin Up Girl!!!!!

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