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Finance and Career


Finance is always important to a Taurus, but for the past few years it has been less so than usual. This trend continues in the year ahead. The money house is basically empty with only short-term planets moving through there. I read this as a positive. You’re broadly content with finances as they are and have little need to make major changes. A lunar eclipse at the end of the year – November 30 – will occur in your money house, and this could show a need for a financial course correction. But for most of the year, things are quiet.

Being earthy Taurus you have a natural affinity for real estate (especially rural real estate, farmland and the like), agriculture and agricultural products, copper and sugar. With Mercury as your financial planet you also have a good feeling for telecommunications, transportation, retailing, trading, advertising and PR. Whatever you are doing, good PR, advertising and good use of the media is very important.

Mercury is a fast and erratic planet. He is perhaps the most ‘flexible’ of all the planets (with the exception of the Moon). The message of the Horoscope is that in finance you have to be a bit ‘un-Taurean’ – you have to be more flexible, more nimble, less fixed in your ways.

Because Mercury is so fast moving, there are many short-term trends in finance that depend on where he is and the aspects that he receives. These short-term trends are best dealt with in the monthly reports. In addition, he will go into retrograde mode three times this year: from February 17 to March 9; June 18 to July 11; and October 14 to November 2. These are times for financial review, not times for overt action. If important financial decisions have to be made during those periods (life likes to sometimes force issues), do more homework and due diligence than usual. Resolve your doubts.

The real headline this year is the career. Your career planet, Uranus, entered your sign in March 2019 and will remain there for many more years. So we are dealing with a long-term trend. This is actually a positive long-term trend. It shows that career opportunities are seeking you out. There’s nothing much that you need to do; they will find you. You have the image of someone successful, someone of status. You dress this way and project yourself this way. Others see you as successful. You have the favour of bosses, elders, parents and parent figures – the authority figures in your life. They seem devoted to you. They have a personal interest in you.

Saturn will make a foray into your 10th career house between March 23 and July 2. Then, on December 18, he will move in there for the next two and a half years. The message here is that your career success involves taking on more responsibility. The opportunities come easily, but in the end you have to perform – you have to be the best at what you do. In addition, Jupiter will move into your 10th house on December 20. This brings career elevation, promotions and overall success.

Career is good this year, but next year it will be even better. Most of this year is preparation for the next. Your career success might not bring extra earnings right away; it is more about status and prestige than actual earnings. But increased earnings will come later down the road.

Your Personal Horoscope 2020

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