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Love and Social Life


Love is complicated this year. (Isn’t it always? But some years more so than others.) Your love planet Jupiter spends almost all year in conservative Capricorn, your 8th house. Not only that, but Jupiter will be travelling with both Saturn and Pluto this year. So we have many messages here.

First of all, Jupiter is not very strong in the sign of Capricorn. Astrologers say that Jupiter is in his ‘fall’ – his weakest position. So the social magnetism is not up to its usual standard. Secondly, it would show less socializing than usual. Singles will still date and attend parties, but not as much as usual. There is a need now to focus on quality rather than quantity. Fewer dates, fewer social events, but good ones are better than hosts of lukewarm ones. A marriage is not likely this year and probably not advisable. Next year will be a lot better for that. You are attracted to older people, serious people, people more settled than you. The danger here is getting involved in a relationship based on convenience rather than real love. You will have opportunities for these kinds of relationships. These aspects also show that you are slow to fall in love these days. You take things nice and slow. Anyone involved romantically with a Gemini needs to understand this.

Jupiter in the 8th house and travelling with the ruler of the 8th house, Saturn, suggests that sexual magnetism is the main romantic appeal these days. (Jupiter is also travelling with Pluto, the generic ruler of sex, and this reinforces what we’re saying.) There’s nothing wrong with good sexual magnetism, but a solid relationship needs more than that.

The love planet in the 8th house shows that you are attracted to money people – the good earners. Wealth is a romantic turn on. Jupiter travelling with the ruler of the 6th house would show an allurement for people in the health professions or people personally involved in your health. Often this shows an office romance. But none of these things leads to marriage – not this year anyway.

For those working on their second marriage the prospects brighten after December 20, but marriage seems delayed. There is love in 2021. Those working on their third marriage have a quiet year. Those who are married will probably stay married, and singles will stay single.

For those of you already in a relationship, the relationship gets some stress testing this year. Your challenge will be to keep the spark of romance alive. Things look too practical, too down-to-earth. Everyone does what they are supposed to do – everyone does their duty – but the passion seems lacking.

Your Personal Horoscope 2020

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